Z. Shen


H. Soifer, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2019, Physical review letters.

Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, D.-H. Lee, 2015, Physical review letters.

Z. Shen, R. Moore, C. Zhang, 2016, Physical review letters.

A T Boothroyd, D Prabhakaran, W. Schlotter, 2011, Physical review letters.

D. Bethune, C. S. Yannoni, P. Pianetta, 1993 .

Astrophysics, Beijing, China., 2005, astro-ph/0508387.

M Zahid Hasan, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2001, Physical review letters.

C. Kao, Z. Hussain, A. Kemper, 2014, Nature Communications.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, J. Chu, 2008, Nature.

A. P. Sorini, B. Delley, J. Brink, 2009, 0905.2633.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, J. Chu, 2009, 0902.2628.

N. Nagaosa, Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, 2004, Physical review letters.

R. Greene, R. Hemley, V. Struzhkin, 2013, Review of Scientific Instruments.

Z. Shen, B. Tay, Y. Yang, 2008, 2008 2nd IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference.

C. Pickard, Z. Shen, C. A. Howard, 2014, Nature Communications.

Astrophysics, Beijing, China., 2005, astro-ph/0508387.

J. Mercure, Z. Shen, R. Perry, 2008, Physical review letters.

Z. Hussain, J. Mitchell, N. Nagaosa, 2005, Nature.

M Zahid Hasan, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2001, Physical review letters.

R. Howe, N. Melosh, R. Maboudian, 2012, 2012 IEEE 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS).

Wei Li, Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, 2015, Physical review letters.

A. Seitsonen, Z. Shen, R. Fasel, 2005 .

A. Seitsonen, Z. Shen, R. Fasel, 2005 .

H. Soifer, Z. Shen, J. Sobota, 2020, Physical Review Materials.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, R. Perry, 2006, Physical review letters.

G. Filippis, V. Cataudella, N. Nagaosa, 2008, Physical review letters.

Yulin Chen, Z. Hussain, H. Eisaki, 2006, Physical review letters.

Z. Shen, P. Songsiriritthigul, P. King, 2010, Nature materials.

Z. Shen, P. Dai, S. Mo, 2021, Physical Review B.

R. Birgeneau, Z. Shen, D. Lu, 2019, Physical review letters.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, J. Chu, 2008, Nature.

H. Bechtel, Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, 2012, 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).

N. Nagaosa, Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, 2004, Physical review letters.

M. Schabel, Z. Shen, G. Cao, 1998 .

Z. Hussain, A. Fujimori, T. Yoshida, 2004, Physical review letters.

T. Tohyama, S. Maekawa, N. Nagaosa, 1999, cond-mat/9904231.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, J. Chu, 2009, 0902.2503.

A. Damascelli, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2003, cond-mat/0312570.

Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, B. Moritz, 2022, Nature communications.

T. Noda, Z. Hussain, A. Fujimori, 2003, Nature.

N. Brookes, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, 2017, Nature Physics.

W. E. Collins, Z. Shen, Z. Feng, 2006 .

Xinxin Li, Q. Tang, M. Kelly, 2011, 2011 IEEE 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems.

L. Balicas, Y. Maeno, J. Mercure, 2006 .

Y. Tokura, Y. Maeno, A. Damascelli, 2000, cond-mat/0012001.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, X. Zhou, 2004, Physical review letters.

K. Tamasaku, A. Fujimori, H. Eisaki, 1998, cond-mat/9809311.

C. H. Park, P. Fournier, Z. Shen, 1996, Science.

T. Tohyama, S. Maekawa, Changyoung Kim, 1997 .

Z. Shen, W. S. Lee, D. Lu, 2009, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

A. Damascelli, Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, 2006, Physical review letters.

A. P. Sorini, T P Devereaux, W. Schlotter, 2012, Nature Communications.

Z. Hussain, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, 2009, 0911.0197.

Z. Hussain, A. Fujimori, H. Eisaki, 2001 .

Z. Shen, J. Dahl, R. Carlson, 2015, Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society.

Xiaoping Zhou, A. Damascelli, H. Takagi, 2003, cond-mat/0312270.

H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, H. Ikeda, 1997, cond-mat/9705304.

Changyoung Kim, A. Fujimori, T. Yoshida, 2000 .

Akash V. Maharaj, Yijin Liu, A. Maharaj, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, Wanli Yang, 2007 .

A. Damascelli, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2001, Physical review letters.

W. Spicer, Z. Shen, D. Dessau, 1994 .

Xiaoping Zhou, Z. Hussain, J. Douglas, 2004, cond-mat/0410006.

Zhi-Xun Shen, R. Birgeneau, Dung-Hai Lee, 2019, Physical Review X.

Q. Xue, Z. Shen, Z. Li, 2015, 1509.01892.

H. Soifer, A. Kemper, Z. Shen, 2017, Physical review letters.

A. P. Sorini, J. Brink, Z. Hussain, 2020 .

R. Birgeneau, Z. Hussain, A. Kemper, 2018, Physical review letters.

T. P. Devereaux, K. Fujita, T. Sasagawa, 2006, cond-mat/0612541.

K. Tamasaku, A. Fujimori, H. Eisaki, 1998, cond-mat/9809311.

N. Nagaosa, Z. Shen, T. Devereaux, 2011, 1109.4502.

H. Soifer, H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, 2017, 1712.03339.

J. Mitchell, Chaofan Zhang, N. Ghimire, 2016, Physical review letters.

R. Birgeneau, Z. Hussain, A. Kemper, 2015, Physical review letters.

Z. Hussain, M. Lindroos, A. Bansil, 2005, cond-mat/0510608.

A. Fujimori, T. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, 2000, cond-mat/0011293.

Z. Hussain, N. Nagaosa, H. Eisaki, 2004, Physical review letters.

Z. Hussain, A. Fujimori, T. Yoshida, 2003, Physical review letters.

H Germany, M. Knupfer, R. Hayn, 2000, cond-mat/0007283.

C. Fennie, J. Mercure, Z. Shen, 2012, 1210.8382.

H. Eisaki, Z. Shen, J. Sobota, 2015, Physical review letters.

Z. Hussain, R. Laughlin, A. Fujimori, 2004, Physical review letters.

D. McCammon, H. Jin, M. L. Ridder, 2020, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Xiang Chen, C. Lane, A. Bansil, 2019, Physical review letters.

B. Pate, O. Gunnarsson, James Allen, 1990 .

A. Damascelli, Z. Shen, D. Feng, 2002, cond-mat/0209651.

Z. Hussain, T. Yoshida, Z. Shen, 2006, cond-mat/0606347.

A. Damascelli, Z. Shen, D. Feng, 2001, Physical review letters.

F. Zhou, Hsin Lin, M. Lindroos, 2008, 0809.2357.

Z. Shen, B. Moritz, J. Sobota, 2023, npj Quantum Materials.

N. Melosh, P. Schreiner, Z. Hussain, 2007, Science.

Z. Hussain, Z. Shen, Xingjiang Zhou, 2004, Physical review letters.

Z. Shen, A. Balatsky, 1999, Science.

S. Louie, F. Parmigiani, Z. Hussain, 2003, Science.

G. Kubiak, P. Pianetta, C. Shih, 1988 .

S. Louie, F. Parmigiani, Z. Hussain, 2004, Physical review letters.

M. Wolf, D. Mihailovic, Z. Shen, 2022, 2206.03788.

L. Pasquini, P. Bonifacio, S. Zaggia, 2010, 1011.1718.

I. J. Danziger, Z. Shen, X.-W. Liu, 2004 .

Z. Hussain, A. Fujimori, T. Yoshida, 2002, cond-mat/0206469.

Y. Tokura, Y. Maeno, A. Damascelli, 2001, cond-mat/0105487.

R. Howe, N. Melosh, J. Provine, 2011, International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference.

Zhi-Xun Shen, Z. Shen, I. Lindau, 1992 .