Y. Liao


Shao-Chu Huang, Chia-Ching Lin, Chih‐Wei Hu, 2019, Journal of Power Sources.

U. Stimming, Jyhfu Lee, Shengjie Peng, 2020, ACS applied materials & interfaces.

M. Deng, Y. Liao, Jin-Ming Chen, 2017, ACS applied materials & interfaces.

Y. Liao, Tsan-Yao Chen, Jin-Ming Chen, 2022, Applied Materials Today.

Y. Liao, J. Juang, Y. Chuang, 2021, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.

L. Tjeng, Y. Liao, Y. Prots, 2019, Angewandte Chemie.

Hao-Wen Liu, Jyhfu Lee, H. Sheu, 2020, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS.

Hao-Wen Liu, Jyhfu Lee, H. Sheu, 2021, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

Tej S. Choksi, H. Yang, Bin Liu, 2022, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Y. Liao, K. Tsuei, A. Chainani, 2022, Communications Materials.

J. Akimitsu, Y. Liao, Lei Zhi, 2020, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

J. Akimitsu, H. Jeschke, Y. Liao, 2019, Physical Review B.

Y. Liao, Lei Zhi, Xiaofan Yang, 2020, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2020, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, R. Eguchi, 2021, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2021, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

J. Akimitsu, Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, 2018 .

J. Akimitsu, Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, 2018 .

L. Tjeng, S. Agrestini, A. Tanaka, 2019, Physical Review B.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2022, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2022, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2021, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

K. Shimizu, Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, 2017, Scientific Reports.

Z. Remeš, Y. Tseng, Y. Liao, 2021, ACS applied materials & interfaces.

L. Tjeng, Y. Liao, K. Tsuei, 2022, Physical Review Research.

Y. Ohishi, Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, 2016, Scientific Reports.

K. Wilson, Jun Luo, Tao Zhang, 2019, Nature Communications.

Y. Liao, Lei Zhi, Xiaofan Yang, 2020, RSC advances.

S. Altendorf, L. Tjeng, C. Kuo, 2021, Physical Review X.

Y. Yao, Y. Liao, Ssu-Yen Huang, 2020, physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters.

J. Akimitsu, Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, 2019, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

Y. Liao, R. Eguchi, H. Ishii, 2021, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.

S. Altendorf, N. Hollmann, A. D. Rata, 2017, 1709.06738.

Y. Liao, Lei Zhi, Xiaofan Yang, 2018, Materials Research Express.

K. Shimizu, Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, 2017, Scientific Reports.

Y. Liao, Xiaofan Yang, R. Eguchi, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

J. Mizuki, Y. Liao, K. Tsuei, 2019, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.

L. Tjeng, Y. Liao, Y. Prots, 2019, Angewandte Chemie.

E. Huang, Y. Liao, J. Juang, 2019, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.

L. Tjeng, T. Willers, M. Haverkort, 2012, Physical review letters.

Y. Liao, L. Horng, H. Hsu, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.