M. Hebrok


Marina Pasca di Magliano, M. Hebrok, M. Magliano, 2003, Nature Reviews Cancer.

Jun S. Song, K. Hochedlinger, J. Costello, 2011, Nature Cell Biology.

D. Accili, J. Bluestone, M. Atkinson, 2011, Diabetes.

Michael T. McManus, Y. Kanai, M. Hebrok, 2009, The Journal of pathology.

M. Taketo, M. Hebrok, P. Herrera, 2006, Development.

M. Hebrok, T. Yamaguchi, S. Cervantes, 2009, Developmental biology.

M. Hebrok, P. Heiser, 2004, Cell cycle.

Christine A Iacobuzio-Donahue, Kirk Hansen, Raghu Kalluri, 2016, Nature Medicine.

Gopika G. Nair, M. Hebrok, E. Tzanakakis, 2020, Nature Reviews Endocrinology.

M. Hebrok, J. Lau, D. Cano, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Gopika G. Nair, G. Szot, V. Nguyen, 2017, Stem cell reports.

M. Hebrok, 2017, Cell metabolism.

Sourav Bandyopadhyay, E. Collisson, M. McMahon, 2020, bioRxiv.

P. Pasricha, A. Rustgi, S. Freedman, 2013, Gastroenterology.

M. Hebrok, A. Fukuda, John P. Morris, 2012, Gastroenterology.

R. Schmid, I. Esposito, M. Hebrok, 2017, Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.].

D. Melton, S. K. Kim, M. Hebrok, 1997, Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology.

D. Melton, S. K. Kim, M. Hebrok, 1999, Diabetes.

M. Hebrok, D. Cano, 2008, Gastroenterology.

Gopika G. Nair, M. Hebrok, P. Streeter, 2022, Stem cell reports.

A. Busch, M. Hebrok, Limor Landsman, 2019, Developmental biology.

Kristopher L. Nazor, L. Laurent, D. Valbuena, 2015 .

E. de Klerk, M. Hebrok, Eleonora de Klerk, 2021, Frontiers in Endocrinology.

S. Coughlin, T. Scanlan, H. Kataoka, 2007, The Journal of clinical investigation.

T. Desai, Shuvo Roy, J. Bluestone, 2018, Cell stem cell.

D. Melton, M. Hebrok, 2000 .

Gregory Y. Lauwers, Marina Pasca di Magliano, Andrew L. Warshaw, 2003, Nature.

M. Hebrok, H. Kawahira, J. Lau, 2006, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS.

Kyle J. Gaulton, Gopika G. Nair, B. Kuster, 2021, Nature Medicine.

M. Hebrok, Matthias Hebrok, Jennifer S. Liu, 2017, Genes & development.

Jonathan Schug, J. Schug, K. Kaestner, 2016, Nature Communications.

M. Hebrok, Sam C. Wang, John P. Morris, 2010, The Journal of clinical investigation.

R. Yeh, M. Ramalho-Santos, M. Hebrok, 2012, Human molecular genetics.

M. Hebrok, Tingxi Guo, A. Matveyenko, 2015, The Journal of clinical investigation.

M. Zenker, M. Hebrok, D. Cano, 2007, Gastroenterology.

D. Melton, S. K. Kim, M. Hebrok, 1998, Genes & development.

S. Ogawa, D. Saur, Grace E. Kim, 2018, The Journal of clinical investigation.

M. German, M. Hebrok, H. Kawahira, 2005, Developmental biology.

M. Hebrok, 2003, Mechanisms of Development.

S. K. Kim, Seung K. Kim, M. Hebrok, 2001, Genes & development.

D. Melton, A. McMahon, S. K. Kim, 2000, Development.

D. Melton, S. K. Kim, S. P. Oh, 2000, Genes & development.

D. Melton, S. K. Kim, M. Hebrok, 1997, Development.

Gopika G. Nair, C. Julier, T. Seufferlein, 2021, Communications Biology.

M. Hebrok, 2012, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine.

M. Hebrok, Nilotpal Roy, 2015, Developmental cell.

R. Stein, E. Walker, M. Hebrok, 2020, Nature Communications.

M. Hebrok, Sam C. Wang, John P. Morris, 2010, Nature Reviews Cancer.

N. Perrimon, K. Kerr, M. Melnick, 2010, PLoS genetics.

Mark S. Anderson, Jennifer A. Smith, E. Collisson, 2021, eLife.

D. Klimstra, C. Wright, Yie Chia Lee, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Mark S. Anderson, Jennifer A. Smith, E. Collisson, 2021, eLife.

J. Bluestone, M. Hebrok, 2008, Nature Medicine.

M. Hebrok, D. Cano, Sapna Puri, 2009, Diabetes.

K. Kaestner, M. Grompe, M. Hebrok, 2022, Human Gene Therapy.

A. Biankin, D. Chang, P. Bailey, 2016, Genes & development.

M. Hebrok, M. Pasca di Magliano, S. Sekine, 2006, Genes & development.

A. Gurney, T. Hoey, S. Millar, 2013, Cancer research.

A. Gurney, T. Hoey, S. Millar, 2013 .

B. Stanger, M. Hebrok, 2013, Gastroenterology.

M. Hebrok, A. Folias, Alexandra E. Folias, 2014, Nature Reviews Endocrinology.

S. Kummerfeld, Z. Modrušan, V. Dixit, 2015, Cell.

C. Iacobuzio-Donahue, A. Maitra, S. Leach, 2016, Cancer Research.

M. Hebrok, Limor Landsman, A. Parent, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

M. Taketo, M. Hebrok, P. Herrera, 2006 .

Walter G. Park, C. Craik, R. Brand, 2017, Clinical Cancer Research.

J. Kench, A. Biankin, D. Klimstra, 2008, Gastroenterology.

H. Bengtsson, A. F. Stewart, D. Scott, 2018, Nature Communications.

G. Evan, J. Bluestone, S. Pelengaris, 2008, Diabetes.

G. Evan, J. Bluestone, S. Pelengaris, 2008 .

M. Hebrok, Sapna Puri, 2007, Developmental biology.

W. Zimmer, M. Hebrok, Limor Landsman, 2011, PLoS biology.

Sheng Ding, M. Hebrok, Sheng Ding, 2016, Nature Communications.

R. Nusse, Xueying Gu, Seung K. Kim, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Stella Pelengaris, G. Evan, J. Bluestone, 2008, Diabetes.

K. Herold, M. Hebrok, N. Wilcox, 2016, Journal of autoimmunity.

G. Rutter, Y. Dor, P. Marchetti, 2019, The Journal of clinical investigation.

Bhushan N. Kharbikar, T. Desai, Julie B. Sneddon, 2023, Bioengineering & translational medicine.

H. Bengtsson, A. F. Stewart, D. Scott, 2018, Nature Communications.

Gopika G. Nair, R. Blelloch, M. Hebrok, 2019, Stem cell reports.

Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis, Volodymyr Petrenko, C. Howald, 2016, Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.

Xueying Gu, Makoto M Taketo, R. Nusse, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

A. Attie, R. Kibbey, E. de Klerk, 2023, JCI insight.

E. Füchtbauer, M. Hebrok, A. Wobus, 1995, Experimental cell research.

E. Füchtbauer, K. Wertz, M. Hebrok, 1994, Developmental biology.

E. Füchtbauer, A. Füchtbauer, M. Hebrok, 1997, Experimental cell research.

M. Hebrok, Natanya R. Kerper, Sudipta Ashe, 2021, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology.

M. Hebrok, Sam C. Wang, John P. Morris, 2010, The Journal of clinical investigation.

M. Hebrok, 2012, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine.

M. Hebrok, M. Pasca di Magliano, S. Sekine, 2006, Genes & development.

M. Hebrok, Tingxi Guo, A. Matveyenko, 2015, The Journal of clinical investigation.

G. Rutter, Y. Dor, P. Marchetti, 2019, The Journal of clinical investigation.

M. Hebrok, Sapna Puri, 2012, Cell.

C. Howald, E. Dermitzakis, T. Berney, 2016, Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.

R. Yeh, M. Ramalho-Santos, M. Hebrok, 2012, Human molecular genetics.

Gopika G. Nair, Vasilis Ntranos, M. Hebrok, 2024, Nature communications.