S. Delanaud


L. Dégrugilliers, J. Libert, V. Bach, 2011, European Journal of Applied Physiology.

G. Thuróczy, J. Libert, V. Bach, 2013, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

W. Ramadan, S. Delanaud, G. Dewasmes, 2004, Neuroscience Letters.

R. de Seze, V. Bach, Amandine Pelletier, 2020, Scientific Reports.

P. Villon, V. Bach, S. Delanaud, 1998, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing.

Wiley Interscience, M. Chlif, D. Keochkerian, 2005, Pediatric pulmonology.

P. Tourneux, A. Léké, J. Libert, 2017, Journal of sleep research.

R. de Seze, A. Léké, E. Stéphan-Blanchard, 2021, Bioelectromagnetics.

A. Léké, V. Bach, S. Delanaud, 2001, Journal of applied physiology.

P. Tourneux, S. Delanaud, C. Dubos, 2020, The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.

P. Tourneux, G. Krim, J. Libert, 2010, Journal of applied physiology.

V. Bach, W. Ramadan, S. Delanaud, 2020, Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.

V. Bach, W. Ramadan, S. Delanaud, 2017, Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society.

J. Libert, C. Prefaut, G. Vardon, 1999, Medicine and science in sports and exercise.

A. Léké, V. Bach, E. Stéphan-Blanchard, 2018, The Journal of pediatrics.

A. Léké, V. Bach, E. Stéphan-Blanchard, 2012, Journal of sleep research.

A. Léké, G. Kongolo, K. Chardon, 2018, Pediatric pulmonology.

K. Chardon, J. Libert, V. Bach, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology.

V. Bach, Amandine Pelletier, S. Delanaud, 2019, Environmental health perspectives.

V. Bach, J. Reygner, A. Bruneau, 2016, International journal of environmental research and public health.

A. Léké, K. Chardon, J. Libert, 2004, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.

R. de Seze, P. Tourneux, A. Léké, 2019, Environmental research.

A. Géloën, S. Delanaud, G. Dewasmes, 2003, Neuroscience Letters.

J. Libert, V. Bach, Amandine Pelletier, 2012, Journal of sleep research.

Stéphane Delanaud, Estelle Durand, Pierre Tourneux, 2019, Applied Sciences.

J. Libert, V. Bach, S. Delanaud, 2017 .

W. Ramadan, G. Vardon, A. Geloen, 2006, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.

P. Tourneux, A. Léké, L. Dégrugilliers, 2009, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

K. Chardon, J. Libert, V. Bach, 2002, Medical Physics (Lancaster).

V. Cardot, L. Dégrugilliers, J. Libert, 2007, Medical physics.

Stéphane Delanaud, Erwan Stephan, Frédéric Telliez, 2008, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology.

R. de Seze, V. Bach, Amandine Pelletier, 2020, Scientific Reports.

Fatima Chahin Yassin, P. Tourneux, S. Delanaud, 2020, European Journal of Pediatrics.

L. Dégrugilliers, J. Libert, V. Bach, 2011, European Journal of Applied Physiology.

G. Krim, V. Bach, S. Delanaud, 1997, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing.

Jean-Pierre Libert, Armand Lahana, Stéphane Delanaud, 2018, Medical engineering & physics.

A. Léké, V. Cardot, K. Chardon, 2006, Obesity.

S. Ahmaidi, S. Delanaud, P. Leprêtre, 2016, International Journal of Sports Medicine.

W. Ramadan, S. Delanaud, G. Dewasmes, 2003, Sleep.

J. Libert, V. Bach, Amandine Pelletier, 2012, Journal of sleep research.

N. Bourdillon, S. Delanaud, S. Ahmaïdi, 2023, Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.

Stéphane Delanaud, J. Libert, S. Delanaud, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology.