H. Heshmati


H. Heshmati, 2021, Reports on Global Health Research.

M. Burritt, W. O'Fallon, B. Riggs, 1998, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

P. Giral, E. Bruckert, H. Heshmati, 1996, Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics.

H. Heshmati, L. Hofbauer, Hassan M. Heshmati, 1997, European journal of endocrinology.

L. Melton, W. O'Fallon, B. Riggs, 2002, Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.

H. Heshmati, 2020, Weight Management.

H. Heshmati, 2020, Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development.

S. Khosla, H. Heshmati, 1998, Annales de medecine interne.

H. Heshmati, G. Turpin, M. Taleb, 1984, Annales d'endocrinologie.

A. Sannino, H. Heshmati, D. Audet, 2018, Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology.

A. Leger, J. Clerc, H. Heshmati, 1993, Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.

W. Young, E. Bruckert, L. Foubert, 1997, Clinical chemistry.

H. Gharib, H. Heshmati, J. V. van Heerden, 1997, The American journal of medicine.

G. Reach, H. Heshmati, G. Falgarone, 2012, European journal of endocrinology.

D. Piepgras, H. Heshmati, V. Fatourechi, 2001, Mayo Clinic proceedings.

J. N. Fidalgo, Jimmy D Bell, L. S. Silveira, 2015, Obesity Facts.

B. Scheithauer, W. Young, H. Heshmati, 2002 .

H. Heshmati, C. Boutteville, P. Crémoux, 1985, Klinische Wochenschrift.

H. Heshmati, I. Hay, J. Goellner, 1997, Mayo Clinic proceedings.

H. Scherrer, H. Heshmati, G. Turpin, 1985, Annales de medecine interne.

M. Burritt, B. Riggs, S. Khosla, 1998, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

H. Heshmati, 2020, Weight Management.

H. Heshmati, Y. Touitou, M. Roger, 2004, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

H. Heshmati, R. van Effenterre, M. Kujas, 1988, Acta endocrinologica.

P. Wollan, H. Heshmati, R. van Effenterre, 1998, Endocrine journal.

H. Gharib, J. Clerc, H. Heshmati, 1997, Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

H. Heshmati, M. Izembart, G. Vallee, 1987, Annales de biologie clinique.

H. Heshmati, M. Kujas, G. Turpin, 1988, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

H. Heshmati, J. L. Gennes, G. Turpin, 1987, Klinische Wochenschrift.

A. Carayon, H. Heshmati, A. Gueguen, 1985, Acta endocrinologica.

H. Heshmati, G. Turpin, J. de Gennes, 1983, La semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de Paris.

H. Heshmati, Hassan M. Heshmati, 2021 .

H. Heshmati, Y. Touitou, 1988, Clinical chemistry.

H. Heshmati, Hassan M. Heshmati, 2020, Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development.

F. Greenway, L. Luzi, H. Heshmati, 2023, Frontiers in Endocrinology.

A. Leger, J. Clerc, H. Heshmati, 1995, Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.