C.C. Lee


B. G. Martin, C.C. Lee, M. Lahham, 1990, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control.

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, P. Wang, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, J.S. Kim, 2007, 2007 Proceedings 57th Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, C.C. Lee, 2008, 2008 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, Dongwook Kim, 2007, 2007 Proceedings 57th Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

C.C. Lee, Jongsung Kim, 2005, Proceedings. International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials: Processes, Properties and Interfaces, 2005..

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, J.S. Kim, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

C.C. Lee, P.J. Wang, J. S. Kim, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

C.C. Lee, J.S. Kim, T. Yokozuka, 2006, 56th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 2006.

C.C. Lee, Jeong Park, Moo Whan Shin, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

C.C. Lee, J. S. Kim, P. Wang, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

C.C. Lee, Y.K. Song, 2005, Proceedings Electronic Components and Technology, 2005. ECTC '05..

C.C. Lee, W. So, 1998, 1998 Proceedings. 48th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.98CH36206).

C.C. Lee, G. Matijasevic, Yi-Chia Chen, 1994, 1994 Proceedings. 44th Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

C.C. Lee, J.S. Kim, P. Wang, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

G. Matijasevic, C.C. Lee, Chin C. Lee, 1990, 40th Conference Proceedings on Electronic Components and Technology.

C.C. Lee, S.J. Lee, Yi-Chia Chen, 1995, Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Multi-Chip Module Conference (MCMC-95).

C.C. Lee, R. Chuang, C.C. Lee, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies.

C.C. Lee, R. Chuang, S. Choe, 2001, 2001 Proceedings. 51st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.01CH37220).

C.C. Lee, R. Chuang, S. Choe, 2001, 2001 Proceedings. 51st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.01CH37220).

C.C. Lee, R. Chuang, W. So, 2000, 2000 Proceedings. 50th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.00CH37070).

William W. So, C.C. Lee, Chin C. Lee, 2000, 2000 Proceedings. 50th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.00CH37070).

D. H. Chien, C.C. Lee, C.C. Lee, 1993, [1993 Proceedings] Ninth Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium.

C.-C. Lee, H. R. Berenji, H. Berenji, 1989, Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 1989.

C.C. Lee, Jeong H. Park, Jongsung Kim, 2004, 2004 Proceedings. 54th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37546).

C.C. Lee, 2007, 2007 Proceedings 57th Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

C.C. Lee, G. Matijasevic, C.C. Lee, 1989, 27th Annual Proceedings., International Reliability Physics Symposium.

M. Shin, C.C. Lee, Jeong H. Park, 2002, 52nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference 2002. (Cat. No.02CH37345).

A. Palisoc, C.C. Lee, Y. Min, 1990, InterSociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena in Electronic Systems.