A. Royant


Antoine Royant, Dominique Bourgeois, Martin J Field, 2009, Biochemistry.

Joachim Goedhart, Antoine Royant, Mark A. Hink, 2012, Nature Communications.

Antoine Royant, Dominique Bourgeois, D. Bourgeois, 2005, Current opinion in structural biology.

M. Fraaije, R. Orrú, A. Mattevi, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Karl Edman, Antoine Royant, Eva Pebay-Peyroula, 2002, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

M. Fontecave, D. Hamdane, A. Royant, 2021, Nature Communications.

Takashi Kameshima, Gebhard F. X. Schertler, Makina Yabashi, 2016, Science.

D. de Sanctis, R. Steiner, D. von Stetten, 2017, Journal of structural biology.

A. Imberty, C. Breton, M. Palcic, 2014, Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications.

O. Svensson, C. Mueller-Dieckmann, G. Leonard, 2020, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

Garth J. Williams, S. Boutet, A. Barty, 2020, Nature.

E. Bamberg, M. Engelhard, A. Kuzmin, 2022, Nature Communications.

S. Boutet, M. Joffre, R. Shoeman, 2021, Science.

E. Landau, A. Royant, Javier Navarro, 2002, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Karl Edman, Antoine Royant, Eva Pebay-Peyroula, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Karl Edman, David van der Spoel, Antoine Royant, 2004, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

D. Bourgeois, R. Ravelli, J. McGeehan, 2007, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann, Franc Sever, Thierry Giraud, 2015, Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.

R. Neutze, A. Royant, Cecilia Wickstrand, 2015, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

E. Bamberg, G. Bourenkov, V. Gordeliy, 2020, bioRxiv.

Marten Postma, T. Gadella, D. Bindels, 2016, Nature Methods.

J. Sussman, D. Bourgeois, I. Silman, 2007, Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.

E. Round, V. Gordeliy, J. Popot, 2014, The Journal of Membrane Biology.

William A. Weiss, Antoine Royant, Yuh Nung Jan, 2014, Nature Communications.

D. de Sanctis, G. Leonard, G. Gotthard, 2019, IUCrJ.

G. Gotthard, D. von Stetten, D. Clavel, 2019, Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

Y. Jan, X. Shu, Su Guo, 2016, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

M. Noirclerc-Savoye, D. von Stetten, A. Royant, 2012, Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.

J. Paul Robinson, Garth J. Williams, S. Boutet, 2020, Nature.

A. Schmidt, S. Frielingsdorf, O. Lenz, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

X. Shu, M. Noirclerc-Savoye, G. Gotthard, 2022, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.

B. Giepmans, J. Dupuy, T. Gadella, 2023, Nature Methods.

D. Bourgeois, J. McGeehan, A. Royant, 2011, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

E. Round, V. Gordeliy, J. Popot, 2014, The Journal of Membrane Biology.

E. Landau, R. Neutze, A. Royant, 2001, Photochemistry and photobiology.

M. Noirclerc-Savoye, A. Royant, 2011, Journal of structural biology.

Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann, Gordon Leonard, Stephanie Hutin, 2019, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

E. Landau, A. Royant, Peter Nollert, 1999, FEBS letters.

W. Y. Wahlgren, G. Katona, D. von Stetten, 2012, PloS one.

D. de Sanctis, G. Gotthard, D. von Stetten, 2016, Acta crystallographica. Section D, Structural biology.

Joachim Goedhart, Antoine Royant, J. Goedhart, 2012, Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications.

S. Ryu, Y. Dou, K. Nikolić, 2021, ACS central science.

G. Guédez, I. Tews, I. Sinning, 2017, Nature chemical biology.

E. Bamberg, F. Rodríguez-Valera, G. Bourenkov, 2023, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

A. Imberty, C. Breton, M. Palcic, 2014, Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications.

C. Mueller-Dieckmann, G. Leonard, D. Juers, 2022 .