F. Ramaekers


E M Manders, E. Manders, R. van Driel, 1999, Journal of cell science.

D. Zahniser, K. Verrijp, J. Broers, 1986, Cytometry.

F. Debruyne, F. Ramaekers, W. Feitz, 1985, International journal of cancer.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, G. Bonne, 2006, Physiological reviews.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1983, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

A. Twijnstra, F. Ramaekers, W. Weber, 2003, The Lancet Neurology.

Tammo Delhaas, Nico Kuijpers, T. Delhaas, 2002, American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.

F. Ramaekers, B. Schutte, M. Harmsma, 2013, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

P. van den Broek, D. Wagener, F. Ramaekers, 1986, Cytometry.

J. Geraedts, F. Ramaekers, S. P. Flaherty, 2000, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, C. Hutchison, 2004, The Journal of pathology.

S. Wagenaar, J. Broers, H. Kuijpers, 1993, The American journal of pathology.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, F. Ramaekers, 1994, International journal of cancer. Supplement = Journal international du cancer. Supplement.

H. Geerts, R. Nuydens, F. Ramaekers, 1998, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1996, Acta oto-laryngologica.

A. Roebroek, W. V. D. Van de Ven, H. van de Velde, 1996, European journal of cell biology.

F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, F. Ramaekers, 1993, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

A. Twijnstra, J. Arends, R. Oostenbrugge, 2000, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

J. Broers, B. Machiels, F. Ramaekers, 1997, Cytometry.

F. Ramaekers, J. Veldman, E. Huizing, 2004, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

F. Ramaekers, G. Dunselman, A. D. de Goeij, 1995, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

F. Bosman, F. Ramaekers, 2004, The Journal of pathology.

A. Hanselaar, F. Ramaekers, L. Poels, 1993, The American journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, A. Skoudy, M. H. Schüssler, 1992, The American journal of pathology.

A. Roebroek, S. Wagenaar, W. V. D. Van de Ven, 1997, The Journal of pathology.

J. Arends, F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 1998, The Journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1996 .

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, F. Ramaekers, 1992, Hearing Research.

F. Ramaekers, J. Veldman, E. Huizing, 1991, The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.

C. Reutelingsperger, F. Ramaekers, W. Heerde, 2001, Journal of cell science.

J. Broers, O. Boerman, F. Ramaekers, 1991, Cancer.

C. Reutelingsperger, F. Ramaekers, C. Vermeij-Keers, 2001, Methods in molecular medicine.

G. Ten Velde, F. Ramaekers, M. Lenders, 1995, European journal of cell biology.

M. Wabitsch, J. Broers, P. Steijlen, 2011, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

F. Bosman, F. Ramaekers, G. Blijham, 1992 .

D. Smeets, P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, 1989, International journal of cancer.

A. Hanselaar, D. Smeets, P. Jap, 1989, International journal of cancer.

A. Roebroek, W. V. D. Van de Ven, H. van de Velde, 1994, International journal of cancer. Supplement = Journal international du cancer. Supplement.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1990, Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, C. Herman, 1983, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

E. Lane, M. Omary, H. Jörnvall, 2004, Experimental cell research.

J. Arends, F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, 2009, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

F. Smedts, I. Leigh, F. Ramaekers, 1990, The American journal of pathology.

J. Schalken, F. Debruyne, H. Schaafsma, 1992, The American journal of pathology.

H. Schaafsma, F. Ramaekers, Frans C. S. Ramaekers, 1994, Pathology annual.

P. van Eyken, F. Callea, R. Sciot, 1990, Human pathology.

F. Ramaekers, V. Lehto, I. Virtanen, 1985, The British journal of dermatology.

N. Skakkebaek, A. Giwercman, F. Ramaekers, 1990, The American journal of pathology.

N. Marceau, J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 2007, Experimental cell research.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1982, European journal of cancer & clinical oncology.

J. Broers, H. Kuijpers, F. Ramaekers, 2002, European journal of cell biology.

F. Debruyne, F. Ramaekers, W. Feitz, 2004, Virchows Archiv A.

F. Debruyne, F. Ramaekers, W. Feitz, 1987, International journal of andrology.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, F. Houben, 2008 .

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, C. Hutchison, 2003, The British journal of dermatology.

F. Debruyne, F. Ramaekers, W. Feitz, 1986, Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, W. McCluggage, 2013, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

G. Vooijs, F. Ramaekers, A. Huysmans, 1987 .

H. Geerts, A. Roebroek, W. V. D. Van de Ven, 1998, Cell and Tissue Research.

G. Tolstonog, G. Li, F. Ramaekers, 2009, International journal of oncology.

J. Schalken, F. Debruyne, H. Schaafsma, 1992, Cancer research.

W. Molenaar, F. Ramaekers, A. Oosterhuis, 1985, Pathology, research and practice.

A. Twijnstra, R. Sciot, E. Speel, 2004, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

R. D. de Waal, F. Ramaekers, M. Cornelissen, 1984, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

S. Wagenaar, F. Ramaekers, M. Lenders, 2004, Virchows Archiv.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 2010, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

F. Smedts, I. Leigh, F. Ramaekers, 1992, The American journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, L. Thornell, A. Eriksson, 1999, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, F. Ramaekers, 1988, Histopathology.

E. Lane, S. Wagenaar, I. Leigh, 1989, Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

P. Slootweg, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1983, Virchows Archiv A.

P. D. de Wilde, P. Slootweg, F. Ramaekers, 1984, Journal of oral pathology.

F. Ramaekers, C. Herman, G. Vooijs, 1983, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1990, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 2004, Histochemistry.

F. Ramaekers, J. Veldman, E. Huizing, 2004, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

F. Ramaekers, J. C. de Groot, J. Veldman, 1992, Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology.

D. Ruiter, H. Schaafsma, F. Ramaekers, 2004, Histochemistry.

C. R. Pfaltz, F. Ramaekers, W. Arnold, 2004, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

F. Ramaekers, L. Thornell, T. Stigbrand, 1989, Acta oto-laryngologica.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1994, Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery.

F. Ramaekers, C. Herman, G. Vooijs, 1984, Experimental cell research.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1983, The American journal of pathology.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1982, Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology.

E. Lane, R. Holland, I. Leigh, 1991, The American journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, M. Thissen, G. Krekels, 2003, Archives of Dermatological Research.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1983, The Journal of clinical investigation.

T. Kwast, F. Ramaekers, M. Bousema, 1988, The British journal of dermatology.

H. Schaafsma, I. Leigh, F. Ramaekers, 1991, The American journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, J. Manni, L. van der Velden, 1999, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

P. V. D. van de Kerkhof, J. Schalkwijk, F. Ramaekers, 1994, Acta dermato-venereologica.

F. Ramaekers, T. V. D. van den Ingh, F. V. van Mil, 1989, Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A.

F. Ramaekers, P. Kerkhof, E. Jong, 2004, Archives of Dermatological Research.

F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, B. Colenbrander, 1984, European journal of cell biology.

R. Happle, D. Ruiter, P. Steijlen, 1993, Archives of Dermatological Research.

F. Ramaekers, M. Harmsma, M. Ummelen, 2006, Arzneimittelforschung.

F. Ramaekers, M. Harmsma, M. Ummelen, 2004, International journal of oncology.

F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, A. Hopman, 1992, Analytical cellular pathology : the journal of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology.

F. Ramaekers, M. V. van Steensel, G. Krekels, 2005, The British journal of dermatology.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1993, Obstetrics and gynecology.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, C. Marcelis, 2012, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

I. Liebaers, F. Ramaekers, J. Geraedts, 1996, Human reproduction.

F. Smedts, F. Bosman, F. Ramaekers, 1995, Human pathology.

O. Boerman, F. Ramaekers, F C Ramaekers, 1991, The American journal of pathology.

V. Desmet, R. Sciot, F. Ramaekers, 1990, Histopathology.

F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, O. Moesker, 1987, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, J. Geraedts, 1995, Human reproduction.

E. Coonen, J. Geraedts, F. Ramaekers, 1998, Human reproduction update.

G. Vooijs, P. Kenemans, F. Ramaekers, 1985, European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.

O. Boerman, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1993, Acta cytologica.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1984, Acta cytologica.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, M. Pruszczynski, 1990, Histopathology.

J. Taylor‐Papadimitriou, F. Ramaekers, R. Wetzels, 1992, Cancer treatment and research.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 2014, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

C. Reutelingsperger, M. van Engeland, H. Kuijpers, 1997, Experimental cell research.

F. Ramaekers, C. Voorter, A. Hopman, 2004, Molecular Biology Reports.

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, C. Voorter, 1997 .

F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, F C Ramaekers, 1992, The Journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, A. Hopman, 1991, Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.

F. Ramaekers, A. Smeets, J. Beck, 1989, The American journal of pathology.

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, Dorian R. A. Swarts, 2012, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

G. V. van Dongen, F. Ramaekers, W. Linnemans, 1985, International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group.

F. Ramaekers, B. Schutte, 2000, Progress in cell cycle research.

D. Carney, J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 1985, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

E. Bongers, J. Arends, J. Herbergs, 1996, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

J. Wiegant, E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, 1992, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

H. Brunner, J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 2018, European Journal of Human Genetics.

Paul Coucke, I. Leigh, F. Ramaekers, 1992, The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, W. Whitfield, 2001, Journal of cell science.

H. Crijns, R. Duisters, R. V. van Leeuwen, 2005, Human molecular genetics.

F. Smedts, J. Broers, B. Machiels, 1997, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 1998, Current protocols in cytometry.

J. Veltman, F. Ramaekers, J. Manni, 2000, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

F. Ramaekers, R. Pauwels, R. Schapers, 1993, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

J. Arends, F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, 2007, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

F. Ramaekers, T. V. D. van den Ingh, F. Ramaekers, 1992, Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A.

F. Ramaekers, T. V. D. van den Ingh, F. V. van Mil, 1989, Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A.

S. Zinn-Justin, J. Broers, P. Steijlen, 2009, Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.

F. Ramaekers, T. V. D. van den Ingh, G. Borst, 1993, Veterinary pathology.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1983, Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde.

J. Broers, L. Snoeckx, F. Ramaekers, 2007, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, M. V. van Steensel, 2007, Current medicinal chemistry.

H. Smeets, R. Hennekam, S. Zinn-Justin, 2006, Human molecular genetics.

J. Broers, B. Machiels, H. Kuijpers, 1995, European journal of cell biology.

H. Laak, P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, 1991, Neuromuscular Disorders.

M. V. van Zandvoort, J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 2020, Cells.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, 1986, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

D. Ruiter, H. Schaafsma, F. Ramaekers, 2005, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

C. Meijer, S. Henzen‐Logmans, F. Ramaekers, 2004, Virchows Archiv A.

F. Ramaekers, P. Kerkhof, P. Erp, 2004, Archives of Dermatological Research.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1996, Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery.

D. Ruiter, H. Schaafsma, F. Ramaekers, 1996, Acta oto-laryngologica.

T. Peters, F. Ramaekers, W. Kuijpers, 1990, The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.

J. Stolwijk, F. Ramaekers, T. V. D. van den Ingh, 1990, Journal of comparative pathology.

G. Vooijs, F. Ramaekers, A. Huijsmans, 1988 .

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 1992, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

M. Eisenacher, K. Stühler, F. Ramaekers, 2013, Archives of physiology and biochemistry.

G. P. Vooys, F. Ramaekers, J. Manni, 1988, Acta oto-laryngologica.

Chmp Coen Willems, J. Broers, L. Snoeckx, 2009, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, J. Gosden, 1997, Methods in molecular biology.

E. Speel, F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 1994, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

L. Meijer, M. van Engeland, F. Ramaekers, 1997, Experimental cell research.

A. Twijnstra, R. Oostenbrugge, F. Ramaekers, 1998, Journal of Neuro-Oncology.

Hugo Geerts, Rony Nuydens, Marcel Borgers, 2000, Apoptosis.

P. Heerde, A. Twijnstra, J. Arends, 1997, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. D. de Waal, P. Kenemans, F. Ramaekers, 1986, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1984, Cell biology international reports.

T. Roskams, A. Roebroek, W. V. D. Van de Ven, 1994, Cancer research.

F. Ramaekers, A. Kant, J. Puts, 1983 .

F. Smedts, W. Quint, A. Tandon, 1995, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

A. Twijnstra, F. Ramaekers, B. Krijne-Kubat, 2001, Neurology.

C. Oomens, F. Baaijens, J. Broers, 2004 .

E. Speel, J. Herbergs, F. Ramaekers, 1994, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

P. Kenemans, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1985, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

F. W. Bauer, F. Ramaekers, J. Boezeman, 1986, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

F. Ramaekers, J. Kuijpers, Bram ter Harmsel, 1997, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

S. Wagenaar, D. Carney, J. Broers, 1987, European journal of respiratory diseases. Supplement.

F. Smedts, F. Ramaekers, A. Hopman, 2005, Human pathology.

J. Schalken, H. Schaafsma, F. Ramaekers, 1992, The American journal of pathology.

F. Ramaekers, P. Vooijs, A. Huysmans, 1987, Experimental cell research.

F. Ramaekers, L. Thornell, I. Virtanen, 1990, Journal of electron microscopy technique.

E. Coonen, J. Dumoulin, F. Ramaekers, 1993, Histochemistry.

P. Jap, F. Ramaekers, G. Vooijs, 1982, Cell Biology International Reports.

H. Smeets, R. Hennekam, S. Zinn-Justin, 2006, Human molecular genetics.

H. Brunner, J. Broers, F. Ramaekers, 2018, European Journal of Human Genetics.