B. Vincent


B. Clark, K. Hackney, B. Vincent, 2019, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

J. J. Lang, Jose Castro Piñero, J. Chaput, 2022, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.

W. Kraemer, B. Clark, N. Ratamess, 2019, Advances in geriatric medicine and research.

W. Kraemer, B. Vincent, R. McGrath, 2019, The journal of nutrition, health & aging.

T. Iwashyna, B. Nallamothu, M. Harrod, 2021, SSM. Qualitative research in health.

D. LaRoche, K. Hackney, G. Tomkinson, 2020, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

W. Kraemer, M. Peterson, B. Vincent, 2018, Medicine and science in sports and exercise.

Kim Hammer, D. Jurivich, B. Vincent, 2021, Journal of strength and conditioning research.

W. Kraemer, K. Ottenbacher, M. Peterson, 2020, Ethnicity & health.

B. Vincent, A. Johnson, Elizabeth Skoy, 2021, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.

P. Cawthon, K. Ensrud, T. Blackwell, 2021, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.

B. Clark, D. Jurivich, K. Hackney, 2020, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.

B. Clark, S. Herrmann, K. Hackney, 2019, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

W. Kraemer, M. Peterson, B. Vincent, 2017, Journal of strength and conditioning research.

R. Bailey, M. Peterson, B. Vincent, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

T. Iwashyna, H. Prescott, Wyndy Wiitala, 2019, BMC Medical Research Methodology.

B. Clark, M. Peterson, D. Jurivich, 2019, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Clark, G. Tomkinson, B. Vincent, 2020, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.

T. Iwashyna, H. Prescott, Wyndy Wiitala, 2018, Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology.

B. Clark, D. Ehlers, S. Al Snih, 2019, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.

K. Markides, S. Al Snih, M. Peterson, 2017, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

T. Iwashyna, H. Prescott, B. Vincent, 2017, Journal of critical care.

K. Markides, S. Al Snih, M. Peterson, 2017, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.