F. Simon


Roderich Moessner, Ferenc Simon, Balázs Dóra, 2011, Physical review letters.

J. Valenta, Á. Gali, F. Simon, 2020, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

F. Simon, A. Hirsch, J. Bernardi, 2006, cond-mat/0602636.

T. Kálai, K. Hideg, L. Forró, 2008 .

L. Forró, T. Pichler, F. Simon, 2019, physica status solidi (b).

N. Nemes, J. Alonso, Y. Huttel, 2020, Cell Reports Physical Science.

F. Simon, B. D'ora, Z. Okv'atovity, 2016, 1609.03370.

T. Pichler, L. Forró, A. Hirsch, 2018, Scientific Reports.

F. Simon, V. Popov, H. Kuzmany, 2005, cond-mat/0508217.

F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, F. Hasi, 2005, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

F. Simon, O. Sági, B. Gyüre‐Garami, 2019, Journal of Applied Physics.

T. Pichler, O. Williams, F. Simon, 2013, 1305.2366.

F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, R. Pfeiffer, 2004, cond-mat/0404110.

F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, R. Pfeiffer, 2008 .

F. Simon, V. Popov, H. Kuzmany, 2005, cond-mat/0508217.

H. Kataura, F. Simon, V. Popov, 2004, cond-mat/0406670.

F. Simon, B. Gyüre, B. G. Márkus, 2015, The Review of scientific instruments.

F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, A. Rockenbauer, 2004, cond-mat/0411448.

T. Pichler, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, 2017, physica status solidi (b).

L. Forró, A. Hirsch, F. Simon, 2006, Physical review letters.

H. Alloul, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, 2005, Physical review letters.

B. Dóra, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, 2007, Physical review letters.

S. Saddow, A. Chiappini, Á. Gali, 2021, Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society.

F. Simon, O. Sági, B. Gyüre‐Garami, 2019, Journal of Applied Physics.

T. Pichler, O. Williams, F. Simon, 2012, physica status solidi (b).

F. Simon, A. Jánossy, A. Rockenbauer, 1999 .

L. Forró, A. Sienkiewicz, F. Simon, 1999 .

A. Hernando, N. Nemes, M. García-Hernández, 2013 .

Péter Boross, Balázs Dóra, Annamária Kiss, 2012, Scientific Reports.

N. Nemes, F. Simon, P. Canfield, 2018, Scientific Reports.

M. Baenitz, F. Simon, B. D'ora, 2018, Physical Review B.

Roderich Moessner, Ferenc Simon, R. Moessner, 2012, 1211.5623.

T. Pichler, Á. Kukovecz, F. Simon, 2004 .

T. Pichler, L. Forró, N. Nemes, 2020, ACS nano.

T. Pichler, L. Forró, A. Hirsch, 2019, Scientific Reports.

Jannik C. Meyer, S. Reich, M. Terrones, 2016 .

V. Zólyomi, B. Dóra, F. Simon, 2008, Physical review letters.

B. Dóra, F. Simon, G. Csősz, 2020, physica status solidi (b).

H. Alloul, V. Zólyomi, F. Simon, 2004, Physical review letters.

F. Simon, H. Kataura, Á. Kukovecz, 2004, cond-mat/0403179.

A. Hirsch, F. Simon, B. G. Márkus, 2017, 1805.01495.

F. Simon, M. Hulman, H. Kuzmany, 2006 .

L. Forró, A. Hirsch, F. Simon, 2020, physica status solidi (b).

Á. Kukovecz, F. Simon, Z. Kónya, 2005, cond-mat/0506393.

F. Simon, O. Sági, B. Gyüre‐Garami, 2018, physica status solidi (b).

N. Nemes, C. Miller, M. García-Hernández, 2008, IEEE transactions on magnetics.

L. Forró, H. Shimoda, F. Simon, 1999, cond-mat/9910303.

F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, P. Singer, 2006 .

F. Simon, M. Hulman, H. Kuzmany, 2005 .

T. Pichler, F. Simon, L. Forr'o, 2016, Physical Review B.

J. Fabian, V. Zólyomi, F. Simon, 2023, Nature communications.

F. Simon, O. Sági, B. G. Márkus, 2018, The Review of scientific instruments.

T. Pichler, F. Simon, T. Feh'er, 2014, 1406.4027.

D. Pontiroli, G. Magnani, M. Riccò, 2016, 1603.01470.

V. Zólyomi, F. Simon, V. Popov, 2006 .

M. Yumura, F. Simon, T. Saito, 2007 .

T. Pichler, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, 2016, 1611.03623.

G. Thuróczy, F. Simon, I. Gresits, 2019, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

B. Dóra, F. Simon, 2009, Physical review letters.

M. Galambos, T. Pichler, L. Forró, 2008 .

F. Simon, F. Simon, B. Dóra, 2019, physica status solidi (b).

S. Garaj, Gábor Csányi, L. Forró, 2005, Physical review letters.

F. Simon, C. Darie, S. Brion, 2006, cond-mat/0608238.

B. Dóra, F. Simon, A. Kiss, 2020, Physical Review Research.

G. Bortel, F. Simon, B. G. Márkus, 2023, Micromachines.