E. Kimonis


P. Frick, E. Kimonis, 2008 .

J. R. Tatar, E. Cauffman, E. Kimonis, 2012, Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.

Frances L. Doyle, M. Dadds, D. Mehta, 2022, Child Psychiatry & Human Development.

N. Venables, E. Kimonis, Jason R. Hall, 2015 .

E. Kimonis, Brittany Cross, Aisha Howard, 2012, Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

M. Dadds, R. Lenroot, P. Frick, 2018, Journal of child and family studies.

E. Cauffman, E. Kimonis, Nicole Graham, 2017, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, 2015, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

E. Kimonis, Allyson J. Sharf, Aisha Howard, 2014, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Aisha Howard, 2012, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Frances L. Doyle, M. Dadds, R. Lenroot, 2019, Australian Psychologist.

Frances L. Doyle, M. Dadds, M. L. Le Pelley, 2022, Developmental psychobiology.

M. Dadds, P. Frick, D. Bagner, 2018, Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53.

E. Kimonis, Allyson J. Sharf, Aisha Howard, 2014, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, Zachary Isoma, 2013, Child maltreatment.

E. Kimonis, R. Otto, Danielle N. Ringhoff, 2010, Behavioral sciences & the law.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, J. Allen, 2014, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

M. Dadds, P. Frick, E. Kimonis, 2018, The Australian and New Zealand journal of family therapy.

Suzonne M. Kline, E. Kimonis, R. Otto, 2012, Psychological assessment.

K. Douglas, J. Skeem, S. Lilienfeld, 2010, Journal of personality disorders.

E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, D. Hawes, 2017, Developmental psychobiology.

Jennifer L. Skeem, Amanda S Morris, J. Skeem, 2008, International journal of law and psychiatry.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, T. Stickle, 2005, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Bryan R. Loney, 2006, Behavioral sciences & the law.

M. Dadds, P. Frick, A. Mendoza Diaz, 2019, Psychological assessment.

D. Bagner, E. Kimonis, Gabriela M Rodriguez, 2014, Journal of child and family studies.

D. Bagner, E. Kimonis, Gabriela M Rodriguez, 2013, Journal of Child and Family Studies.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, C. Demetriou, 2013, Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Frances L. Doyle, M. Dadds, D. Mehta, 2021, Development and psychopathology.

Christopher T. Barry, P. Frick, E. Kimonis, 2004, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Danielle Dandreaux, 2003, Behavioral sciences & the law.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, C. Demetriou, 2013, Journal of youth and adolescence.

Amanda M. Fanniff, R. Borum, E. Kimonis, 2011, Sexual abuse : a journal of research and treatment.

L. Niec, V. Eapen, E. Kimonis, 2020, Child Psychiatry & Human Development.

L. Niec, V. Eapen, E. Kimonis, 2020, Child Psychiatry & Human Development.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, P. J. Frick, 2010, Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.

M. Dadds, R. Lenroot, P. Frick, 2018, Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, 2016, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

Jennifer L. Skeem, J. Skeem, P. Frick, 2012, Development and Psychopathology.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Aisha Howard, 2012, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

L. Steinberg, K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, 2016, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

K. Fanti, E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, 2016, Development and Psychopathology.

E. Kimonis, E. Hunt, 2015 .

E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, A. Hipwell, 2017, Developmental psychology.

P. Frick, K. Fanti, T. D. Wall, 2016, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Luna C Muñoz, 2008, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

K. Fanti, V. Eapen, E. Kimonis, 2022, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

Christopher T. Barry, P. Frick, E. Kimonis, 2014, Development and Psychopathology.

E. Kimonis, Nancy Briggs, Bryan Neo, 2021, Assessment.

Isabella M. Palumbo, James R. Yancey, C. Patrick, 2018, Personality disorders.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, Katherine J. Aucoin, 2008, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

M. Dadds, P. Frick, G. Fairchild, 2014, Nature Reviews Disease Primers.

James V. Ray, M. Seto, E. Kimonis, 2014, Sexual abuse : a journal of research and treatment.

S. Lilienfeld, N. Poythress, E. Kimonis, 2015, Psychological assessment.

E. Kimonis, Brett T. Hagman, C. Miller, 2013, Psychological assessment.

Suzonne M. Kline, E. Kimonis, Nicole Graham, 2012, Personality disorders.

E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, E. Heller, 2018, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, Patrick J Kennealy, 2016, Psychological assessment.

T. Moffitt, C. Essau, P. Frick, 2015, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

P. Frick, K. Fanti, E. Cauffman, 2014, Psychological assessment.

Amanda M. Fanniff, E. Kimonis, 2014, Behavioral sciences & the law.

E. Kimonis, Brittany Cross, Aisha Howard, 2013, Journal of youth and adolescence.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, L. Centifanti, 2014, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

E. Cauffman, E. Kimonis, Nicole Graham, 2018, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

E. Kimonis, Georgette E. Fleming, 2018 .

Frances L. Doyle, M. Dadds, D. Mehta, 2021, Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies.

V. Eapen, E. Kimonis, C. McNeil, 2023, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

E. Kimonis, Bryan Neo, Silvana Kaouar, 2023, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

E. Kimonis, Silvana Kaouar, Ashneeta H. Prasad, 2023, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

T. Moffitt, C. Essau, P. Frick, 2015, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

P. Frick, K. Fanti, E. Cauffman, 2014, Psychological assessment.

P. Frick, E. Kimonis, L. Centifanti, 2014, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

M. Dadds, P. Frick, G. Fairchild, 2023, Nature Reviews Disease Primers.

V. Eapen, E. Kimonis, D. Hawes, 2023, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

E. Kimonis, N. Goulter, 2017 .

Suzonne M. Kline, E. Kimonis, R. Otto, 2012, Psychological assessment.

E. Kimonis, Ashneeta H. Prasad, Ashneeta H Prasad, 2020 .

Amanda M. Fanniff, R. Borum, E. Kimonis, 2011, Sexual abuse : a journal of research and treatment.