M. Chytrý


Vojtech Jarosik, Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, 2008, Ecology.

Anne D. Bjorkman, P. Reich, J. Peñuelas, 2018, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, David Zelený, 2018 .

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2021 .

M. Chytrý, Z. Kącki, M. Czarniecka-Wiera, 2019, Biodiversity and Conservation.

Zoltán Botta-Dukát, Xavier Font, Thomas Wohlgemuth, 2016 .

J. S. Rodwell, Milan Chytrý, Joop H.J. Schaminée, 2008 .

Milan Chytrý, M. Chytrý, Z. Otypková, 2003 .

Joop H.J. Schaminée, A. Schwabe, J. Schaminée, 2011 .

K. Wolff, M. Chytrý, Samuel A. Logan, 2018, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.

Attila Lengyel, Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, 2011 .

X. Font, J. Schaminée, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, 2017 .

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2013 .

M. Chytrý, A. Naqinezhad, H. Gholizadeh, 2020 .

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2016 .

Philip M. Perrin, W. Willner, J. Schaminée, 2017 .

M. Chytrý, T. Spribille, 2002, Folia Geobotanica.

Alessandro Chiarucci, Milan Chytrý, Meelis Pärtel, 2011 .

M. Chytrý, F. Landucci, S. Pasta, 2021, Biodiversity and Conservation.

Josep Peñuelas, Richard Field, Jürgen Homeier, 2019, Journal of Vegetation Science.

F. Xystrakis, T. Monteiro‐Henriques, M. Chytrý, 2021, Applied Vegetation Science.

Martin A. Nuñez, D. Richardson, M. Pocock, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

W. Willner, P. Novák, M. Chytrý, 2020, Preslia.

M. Chytrý, J. Lepš, P. Fibich, 2022, NeoBiota.

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2014 .

J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, 2017 .

D. Zelený, M. Chytrý, C. Chiou, 2015, Ecological Research.

J. Janssen, J. Schaminée, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, 2018 .

J. Divíšek, P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, 2022, Journal of Biogeography.

J. Lenoir, J. Pergl, S. Boch, 2021 .

Antoine Guisan, Niklaus E. Zimmermann, Thomas Wohlgemuth, 2016 .

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2017 .

R. Tichý, J. Schaminée, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, 2013 .

O. Phillips, C. Violle, F. Schrodt, 2022, Nature Communications.

W. Willner, J. Lenoir, J. Šibík, 2017 .

J. Lenoir, A. Chiarucci, J. Dengler, 2022, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

M. Cherosov, M. Horsák, M. Chytrý, 2013, Plant Ecology.

M. Chytrý, Z. Kącki, M. Czarniecka-Wiera, 2019, Biodiversity and Conservation.

M. Chytrý, Dana Michalcová, 2012 .

Hongyan Liu, H. Bruelheide, M. Chytrý, 2015 .

M. Vilà, P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, 2010 .

P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, L. Tichý, 2006, Folia Geobotanica.

M. Pärtel, J. Price, M. Chytrý, 2022, Journal of Vegetation Science.

V. Antonín, M. Chytrý, V. Grulich, 2007 .

Jaroslav Moravec, Jaroslav Jirásek, Jan Wild, 2001 .

J. Kučera, M. Chytrý, J. Danihelka, 2017 .

Milan Chytrý, M. Chytrý, Z. Otypková, 2006 .

M. Chytrý, R. Hrivnák, M. Valachovič, 2003 .

Chyi-Rong Chiou, Milan Chytrý, Ching Long Yeh, 2013 .

M. Pärtel, D. Zelený, P. Pyšek, 2016, Ecology and evolution.

M. Chytrý, J. Wild, J. Bruña, 2022, Biodiversity data journal.

M. Chytrý, Pavel Pesout, Oleg A. Anenchonov, 1993, Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica.

M. Chytrý, A. Ganeva, V. Vulchev, 2006 .

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2017 .

Falko Glöckler, Jens Oldeland, Jörg Ewald, 2012 .

J. Schaminée, M. Chytrý, L. Mucina, 1997, Folia Geobotanica.

M. Slezak, W. Willner, J. Gégout, 2018, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Cindy Q. Tang, Jingyun Fang, F. Schrodt, 2021, Journal of Biogeography.

I. Kühn, J. Pergl, P. Šmarda, 2021, Preslia.

Denis Bastianelli, Yuanzhi Li, Ben Somers, 2019, Global change biology.

H. Kreft, J. Pergl, M. Winter, 2021, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

J. Kattge, N. Zimmermann, A. Chiarucci, 2023, Nature Communications.

J. Lenoir, J. Gégout, S. Boch, 2021, Journal of Vegetation Science.

F. Silveira, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, M. Hájek, 2020, Trends in plant science.

P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, Z. Kaplan, 2017, Plant and Vegetation.

P. Novák, T. Peterka, M. Hájek, 2019, Ecological Indicators.

Zoltán Botta-Dukát, Attila Lengyel, Enrico Feoli, 2015 .

P. Novák, M. Chytrý, D. Blanár, 2020 .

Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, Zoltán Botta‐Dukát, 2002 .

W. Willner, S. Dullinger, J. Divíšek, 2022, Journal of Biogeography.

M. Chytrý, Veronika Kalníková, K. Chytrý, 2018, Folia Geobotanica.

Ruben H. Heleno, H. Seebens, S. Jansen, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Timothy J. S. Whitfeld, P. Reich, J. Peñuelas, 2019, Global ecology and biogeography : a journal of macroecology.

D. Zelený, M. Chytrý, J. Altman, 2021, bioRxiv.

B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, D. Zelený, M. Horsák, 2021, bioRxiv.

J. Divíšek, M. Chytrý, K. Chytrý, 2022, Journal of Vegetation Science.

M. Malavasi, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, D. Zelený, 2021, Ecography.

Klára Kubosová, Miroslav Svoboda, Milan Chytrý, 2005, EnviroInfo.

J. Divíšek, M. Chytrý, L. Mucina, 2020 .

H. Kreft, J. Pergl, M. Winter, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Kallimanis, M. Chytrý, I. Tsiripidis, 2019, Forest Ecology and Management.

O. Phillips, Ü. Niinemets, J. Kattge, 2023, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

M. Huijbregts, L. Santini, B. Cerabolini, 2021, Journal of Vegetation Science.

A. Kallimanis, M. Chytrý, I. Tsiripidis, 2021, Ecological Indicators.

Koenraad Van Meerbeek, H. H. Bruun, W. Willner, 2023 .

M. Chytrý, T. Herben, J. Klimešová, 2016 .

J. Lenoir, J. Gégout, A. Chiarucci, 2022, Journal of Vegetation Science.

M. Chytrý, F. Landucci, F. Attorre, 2021, Biological Invasions.

Anne D. Bjorkman, Timothy J. S. Whitfeld, J. Janssen, 2020, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

J. Lenoir, J. Pergl, J. Schaminée, 2017 .

D. Zelený, M. Chytrý, Cheng-Tao Lin, 2012, Folia Geobotanica.

K. Ecker, J. Svenning, M. Chytrý, 2023, Biological Invasions.

B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, D. Zelený, M. Horsák, 2022, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

J. Janssen, J. Pergl, J. Schaminée, 2020 .

P. Pyšek, M. Chytrý, Ilona Knollová, 2009 .

M. Chytrý, L. Tichý, I. Sedláková, 2001 .

Alessandro Chiarucci, Milan Chytrý, Meelis Pärtel, 2011 .

M. Chytrý, A. Čarni, A. Kavgacı, 2021, Applied Vegetation Science.

W. Willner, J. Lenoir, J. Svenning, 2021, Journal of Biogeography.

J. Kučera, M. Chytrý, P. Dřevojan, 2022, Herzogia.

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2012 .

P. Novák, M. Chytrý, Ondrej Hájek, 2019, Journal of Biogeography.

P. Vittoz, D. Karger, W. Thuiller, 2023, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Wenhong Ma, T. Reitalu, H. C. Prentice, 2021, Journal of Vegetation Science.

W. Willner, J. Lenoir, M. Finckh, 2021, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

J. Lenoir, V. Vandvik, E. Welk, 2019, Journal of Vegetation Science.

M. Chytrý, K. Chytrý, G. Bonari, 2020, Biodiversity and Conservation.

Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, P. Šmarda, 2011 .

G. Protano, M. Chytrý, C. Angiolini, 2019, Forest Ecology and Management.

W. Willner, J. Dengler, F. Daniëls, 2022, Applied Vegetation Science.

D. Zelený, M. Chytrý, J. Altman, 2022, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

B. Graae, J. Lenoir, G. Decocq, 2022, Journal of Vegetation Science.

W. Willner, J. Lenoir, J. Gégout, 2019, Journal of Biogeography.

W. Willner, Jozef Kollár, M. Chytrý, 2023, Applied Vegetation Science.

E. Fernández‐Pascual, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro, M. Chytrý, 2021, Journal of Biogeography.

M. Pärtel, A. Chiarucci, M. Chytrý, 2014 .

Koenraad Van Meerbeek, H. H. Bruun, W. Willner, 2023 .

M. Chytrý, Z. Molnár, Marianna Biró, 2023, Biological Reviews of The Cambridge Philosophical Society.

M. Chytrý, M. G. Sperandii, B. Trávníček, 2023, Biodiversity and Conservation.

X. Font, J. Šibík, M. Chytrý, 2020, Applied Vegetation Science.

M. Chytrý, A. Naqinezhad, H. Gholizadeh, 2019, Phytocoenologia.