I. Nechita


Satvik Singh, I. Nechita, 2020, Annales Henri Poincaré.

M. A. Jivulescu, T. Heinosaari, I. Nechita, 2019, Journal of Mathematical Physics.

Ion Nechita, Guillaume Aubrun, Guillaume Aubrun, 2017 .

Ion Nechita, I. Nechita, J. Deschamps, 2015, 1509.06543.

Ion Nechita, David Reeb, M. A. Jivulescu, 2014, 1406.1277.

B. Collins, K. Życzkowski, I. Nechita, 2010, 1010.3570.

I. Nechita, Faedi Loulidi, 2020, 2008.10317.

Carlos Vargas, I. Nechita, Octavio Arizmendi, 2015, 1508.05732.

I. Nechita, T. Banica, 2017, 1702.02220.

Teodor Banica, Ion Nechita, Jean-Marc Schlenker, 2012 .

I. Nechita, Alexander Müller-Hermes, 2018, Linear Algebra and its Applications.

M. A. Jivulescu, Cécilia Lancien, I. Nechita, 2020, Annales Henri Poincaré.

Ion Nechita, Benoit Collins, B. Collins, 2013, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Ion Nechita, Cl'ement Pellegrini, I. Nechita, 2009, 0908.2754.

Ion Nechita, Michael M. Wolf, Motohisa Fukuda, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

I. Nechita, Alexander Muller-Hermes, D. Reeb, 2019, 1909.01705.

B. Collins, I. Nechita, M. Fukuda, 2013, 1311.7571.

B. Collins, I. Nechita, M. Fukuda, 2012, 1208.1449.

I. Nechita, Andreas Bluhm, 2018, Journal of Mathematical Physics.

M. A. Jivulescu, P. Gǎvruţa, I. Nechita, 2016, 1609.05060.

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, 2009, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

Guillaume Aubrun, I. Nechita, 2007, quant-ph/0702153.

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, D. Rochette, 2022, Letters in Mathematical Physics.

I. Nechita, Alexander Muller-Hermes, D. Reeb, 2019, 1909.01705.

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, D. Rochette, 2021, Quantum Inf. Process..

P. Hayden, B. Collins, I. Nechita, 2015, 1505.08042.

Cécilia Lancien, I. Nechita, Khurshed Fitter, 2022, 2209.11754.

I. Nechita, Faedi Loulidi, 2020, Journal of Mathematical Physics.

I. Nechita, M. Fukuda, 2016, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D.

N. Datta, Satvik Singh, I. Nechita, 2022, 2206.01145.

I. Nechita, A. Tanasa, S. Dartois, 2021, Quantum Information Processing.

S. Belinschi, I. Nechita, B. Collins, 2016, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, 2010, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

I. Nechita, T. Banica, 2012, Journal of Theoretical Probability.

B. Collins, S. Belinschi, I. Nechita, 2012, Inventiones mathematicae.

Ion Nechita, Karol Zyczkowski, Benoit Collins, 2010, 1003.3075.

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, 2012, 1201.5333.

I. Nechita, Andreas Bluhm, 2022, Journal of Mathematical Physics.

A. Jenčová, I. Nechita, Andreas Bluhm, 2020, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Ion Nechita, Andreas Bluhm, I. Nechita, 2018, SIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geom..

I. Nechita, L. Lionni, S. Dartois, 2018, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications.

Ion Nechita, Benoit Collins, B. Collins, 2015, 1509.04689.

Ion Nechita, Motohisa Fukuda, Robert Koenig, 2019, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.

Ion Nechita, Motohisa Fukuda, I. Nechita, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

B. Collins, K. Życzkowski, I. Nechita, 2013, 1302.0709.

K. Życzkowski, I. Nechita, Z. Puchała, 2020, Journal of Mathematical Physics.

Ion Nechita, Jordi Pillet, I. Nechita, 2020, Quantum Inf. Comput..

Ion Nechita, Marius Junge, M. Junge, 2018, 1811.08847.

Teodor Banica, Ion Nechita, Karol Zyczkowski, 2012, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn..

I. Nechita, C. Pellegrini, Faedi Loulidi, 2023, 2305.19766.

Ion Nechita, Tristan Benoist, I. Nechita, 2016, 1608.05811.

Ion Nechita, M. A. Jivulescu, Nicolae Lupa, 2014, 1402.4292.

M. A. Jivulescu, T. Heinosaari, I. Nechita, 2022, Quantum.

Ion Nechita, Simon Schmidt, Moritz Weber, 2019, Exp. Math..

Ion Nechita, Olivier Giraud, Marko Znidaric, 2013, 1306.0495.

Ion Nechita, Motohisa Fukuda, I. Nechita, 2021, 2103.03615.

Teodor Banica, Ion Nechita, I. Nechita, 2016, Adv. Appl. Math..

Ion Nechita, Guillaume Aubrun, Guillaume Aubrun, 2012, 1203.3974.

Ion Nechita, Benoit Collins, B. Collins, 2009, 0905.2313.

Teodor Banica, Ion Nechita, I. Nechita, 2011, 1105.2556.

Ion Nechita, Motohisa Fukuda, I. Nechita, 2014, 1411.6881.

Ion Nechita, Zbigniew Puchala, Lukasz Pawela, 2016, 1612.00401.

I. Nechita, C. Male, S. Dartois, 2023, 2307.11439.

I. Nechita, T. Banica, 2012, 1201.4792.

Ion Nechita, I. Nechita, St'ephane Attal, 2008, 0810.4070.

Satvik Singh, I. Nechita, 2020, Linear Algebra and its Applications.

M. A. Jivulescu, I. Nechita, Nicolae Lupa, 2015 .

Ion Nechita, Deping Ye, Benoit Collins, 2011, 1108.1935.

I. Nechita, Andreas Bluhm, Simon Schmidt, 2023, Journal of Mathematical Physics.