J. Stangl


Stefano Cecchi, Giovanni Isella, Daniel Chrastina, 2013, Journal of Materials Science.

V. Chamard, J. Stangl, C. Mocuta, 2013 .

V. Chamard, J. Stangl, C. Mocuta, 2013 .

Douglas J. Paul, Jeremy R. Watling, Stefano Cecchi, 2013 .

G. Isella, Douglas J. Paul, Stefano Cecchi, 2013 .

J. Wallentin, M. Borgström, J. Stangl, 2014, Nano letters.

A. Diaz, P. Godard, M. Allain, 2011, Nature communications.

M. Kovalenko, F. Schäffler, J. Stangl, 2006, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

V. Chamard, J. Stangl, C. Mocuta, 2013 .

D. J. Lockwood, P. Wang, G. Bauer, 1998 .

A. V. Drigo, Filippo Romanato, Marina Berti, 1998 .

Marco N. Petrovich, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, 2000 .

J. Watling, S. Cecchi, D. Paul, 2013, 2013 14th International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (ULIS).

S. Cecchi, D. Paul, P. Dobson, 2013, Journal of Electronic Materials.

J. Watling, S. Cecchi, D. Paul, 2012, 2012 12th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO).

G. Isella, H. von Kanel, J. Stangl, 2005, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies, 2005..

J. Wallentin, L. Samuelson, K. Deppert, 2012, Nanotechnology.

D. Primetzhofer, J. Stangl, M. Sytnyk, 2014, ACS applied materials & interfaces.

D. Gerthsen, M. Yarema, J. Stangl, 2016, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces.

C. Brabec, M. Kovalenko, G. Matt, 2015, Nature Photonics.

A. Seabaugh, L. Wernersson, P. Caroff, 2008 .

J. Wallentin, K. Deppert, J. Wagner, 2013, Thin solid films.

V. Chamard, J. Stangl, D. Carbone, 2007, Animal Population Ecology.

O. Schmidt, V. Zwiller, G. Bester, 2013, Nature Physics.

J. Stangl, J. Martín-Sánchez, R. Trotta, 2017, Journal of applied physics.

V. Chamard, J. Stangl, D. Carbone, 1975, Animal Population Ecology.

E. Bakkers, Ang Li, M. Verheijen, 2015, Nano letters.

L. Gammaitoni, G. Abadal, W. Didimo, 2013 .

J. Wallentin, M. Borgström, L. Samuelson, 2012, Nanotechnology.

S. Sanguinetti, M. Guzzi, E. Grilli, 2005 .

Marco N. Petrovich, F. Romanato, F. Schäffler, 2000 .

G. Abstreiter, G. Bauer, J. Stangl, 1997 .

S. Sanguinetti, M. Guzzi, E. Grilli, 2008 .

K. Dick, K. Deppert, G. Bauer, 2011, Nanotechnology.

N. S. Sariciftci, E. Głowacki, J. Stangl, 2017, Nature Communications.

A. Diaz, T. Metzger, G. Bauer, 2009, Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry.

Eugen Wintersberger, Dominik Kriegner, Julian Stangl, 2013, Journal of applied crystallography.

L. Nanver, H. Kosina, O. Schmidt, 2011 .

G. Bauer, V. Holý, T. Etzelstorfer, 2013, Nanotechnology.

Claudia Gollner, Giuseppe Romanazzi, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, 2014, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

J. Stangl, M. Sytnyk, D. Kriegner, 2017, ACS nano.

C. Dais, T. Fromherz, E. Müller, 2007, Nano letters.

I. Salzmann, J. Stangl, T. Dingemans, 2016, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

F. Bechstedt, J. Furthmüller, S. Botti, 2019, Nature.

G. Springholz, J. Stangl, S. Dhesi, 2004 .

R. Koch, J. Stangl, C. Gusenbauer, 2015, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

R. Koch, J. Stangl, C. Gusenbauer, 2011, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

J. Wallentin, M. Borgström, J. Stangl, 2011, Nanotechnology.

F. Bechstedt, K. Dick, L. Sorba, 2011, Nano letters.

K. Dick, F. Lenrick, J. Stangl, 2015, Crystal growth & design.

E. Grilli, S. Cecchi, D. Chrastina, 2015, Journal of applied crystallography.

Lars Samuelson, Karla Hillerich, Knut Deppert, 2010, Nano letters.

J. Stangl, J. Martín-Sánchez, R. Trotta, 2018, Applied Physics A.

A. W. Hassel, A. I. Mardare, T. Etzelstorfer, 2016, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry.

R. Spolenak, M. Süess, D. Chrastina, 2013, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

Lars Samuelson, Werner Seifert, Bernhard Mandl, 2006, Nano letters.

A. Diaz, V. Chamard, J. Stangl, 2010, Physical review letters.

K. Deppert, G. Bauer, V. Holý, 2015, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

U. Pietsch, Y. Zhuang, J. Stangl, 1999 .

X. Wallart, P. Caroff, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, 2013, Nano letters.

N. S. Sariciftci, E. Głowacki, J. Stangl, 2017, Nature Communications.

J. Schulze, Y. Zhuang, C. Rosenblad, 1998 .

S. Cecchi, D. Paul, P. Dobson, 2014, Journal of Electronic Materials.

F. Schäffler, J. Stangl, H. Groiss, 2010 .

O. Schmidt, G. Bauer, V. Holý, 2002 .

U. Pietsch, S. Senz, J. Grenzer, 2000 .

M. Allain, V. Chamard, J. Stangl, 2011, Nature communications.

S. Sanguinetti, M. Guzzi, E. Grilli, 2006 .

J. Wallentin, M. Borgström, K. Deppert, 2013, Thin solid films.

L. Wernersson, A. Dey, C. Thelander, 2011, Journal of crystal growth.

J. Stangl, M. Sytnyk, D. Kriegner, 2017, ACS nano.

Franz Pfeiffer, Timm Weitkamp, Ana Diaz, 2010, Journal of synchrotron radiation.