L. Daniel


L. Daniel, X. Mininger, N. Galopin, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

S. V. Kulkarni, L. Daniel, K. Chwastek, 2018 .

Weisheng Zhao, Claude Chappert, Pascal Aubert, 2013, Nature Communications.

L. Daniel, Xiaotao Ren, R. Corcolle, 2018, Journal of Applied Physics.

L. Daniel, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, G. Krebs, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, M. Domenjoud, Y. Bernard, 2019, Journal of the European Ceramic Society.

L. Daniel, Y. Bernard, R. Corcolle, 2022, Engineering Research Express.

L. Daniel, R. Corcolle, V. Préault, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, F. Bouillault, R. Corcolle, 2009 .

L. Pichon, L. Daniel, Ghida Al Achkar, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

L. Daniel, O. Hubert, L. Bernard, 2020, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering.

K. Webber, L. Daniel, B. Kaeswurm, 2018 .

L. Daniel, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

B. Ducharne, L. Daniel, C. Reboud, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

L. Daniel, O. Hubert, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

N. Buiron, René Billardon, Laurent Daniel, 2008 .

R. Kouhia, P. Rasilo, A. Belahcen, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

A. Belahcen, A. Arkkio, P. Rasilo, 2016, 2016 IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC).

L. Daniel, A. Razek, A. Bartók, 2013 .

A. Belahcen, A. Arkkio, A. Haavisto, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

R. Kouhia, P. Rasilo, Deepak Singh, 2017 .

Ghida Al Achkar, L. Pichon, L. Daniel, 2021, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M.

Lionel Pichon, Romain Corcolle, Valentin Preault, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

L. Daniel, F. Bouillault, R. Corcolle, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, L. Daniel, R. Corcolle, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

Paavo Rasilo, Anouar Belahcen, Floran Martin, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, N. Sadowski, L. Bernard, 2022, 2022 IEEE 20th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC).

L. Daniel, M. Domenjoud, L. Bernard, 2022, IEEE Access.

Laurent Bernard, Nelson Jhoe Batistela, Nelson Sadowski, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

N. Sadowski, L. Daniel, N. J. Batistela, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

Laurent Daniel, L. Daniel, O. Hubert, 2009 .

S. V. Kulkarni, L. Daniel, A. P. S. Baghel, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Pichon, L. Daniel, Ghida Al Achkar, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, A. Pramanick, S. Venkateshwarlu, 2023, SSRN Electronic Journal.

Laurent Daniel, L. Daniel, O. Hubert, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

L. Daniel, O. Hubert, M. Rekik, 2014, Archive of Applied Mechanics.

K. Webber, L. Daniel, B. Kaeswurm, 2018, Journal of Applied Physics.

L. Daniel, O. Hubert, L. Daniel, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

R. Kouhia, P. Rasilo, Deepak Singh, 2019, Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

B. Ducharne, L. Daniel, P. Fagan, 2021, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

B. Ducharne, L. Daniel, P. Fagan, 2021, AIP Advances.

Laurent Daniel, Laurent Bernard, Nelson Sadowski, 2019, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

L. Daniel, O. Hubert, L. Bernard, 2020, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering.

A. Lhémery, L. Daniel, Abdellahi Abderahmane, 2021, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

A. Lhémery, L. Daniel, Abdellahi Abderahmane, 2022, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

A. P. S. Baghel, L. Daniel, B. S. Ram, 2019, Physica B: Condensed Matter.

L. Daniel, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, 2011, IEEE transactions on magnetics.

A. Belahcen, L. Daniel, F. Martin, 2023, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

P. Rasilo, A. Belahcen, A. Arkkio, 2019, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.