B. Gorshunov


R. Pisarev, B. Gorshunov, N. Novikova, 2020 .

B. Gorshunov, M. Belkin, L. Alyabyeva, 2017, Scientific Reports.

M. Roth, B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, 2010 .

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2007 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Kaiser, 2006 .

M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman, R. Adelung, 2019, Semiconductor Science and Technology.

F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, P. Lunkenheimer, 2021, NPG Asia Materials.

F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, P. Lunkenheimer, 2021, NPG Asia Materials.

R. Waser, P. Vanĕk, S. Hoffmann‐Eifert, 2001 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, A. Mukhin, 2005 .

E. V. Pechen, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, 1989 .

M. Scheffler, M. Dressel, N. Trivedi, 2014, Nature Physics.

A. S. Prokhorov, F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, 2016, Nature Communications.

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2002, cond-mat/0212439.

B. Gorshunov, P. Kazin, E. Gorbachev, 2021, Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2007 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Kaiser, 2006, cond-mat/0609547.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, A. Volkov, 2005 .

C. S. Jacobsen, J. Petzelt, B. Gorshunov, 1986 .

M. Dressel, M. Jourdan, H. Adrian, 2002, cond-mat/0203308.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, V. Torgashev, 2009, 0911.3858.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, M. Dumm, 2005, cond-mat/0509652.

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2004, cond-mat/0403611.

M. Dressel, H. Habermeier, B. Gorshunov, 2003, cond-mat/0312280.

G. Grüner, M. Dressel, H. Adrian, 2002, Physical review letters.

T. Muranaka, J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, 2001, cond-mat/0103164.

A. A. Pronin, G. Grüner, S. Kunii, 2000 .

G. Grüner, S. Kunii, M. Dressel, 1999 .

S. Kunii, M. Dressel, A. Loidl, 1999 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, V. Torgashev, 2013, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, 2020, Crystals.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, 2020 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, A. Mukhin, 2004 .

A. Nasibulin, V. Volkov, B. Gorshunov, 2022, Ultrafast Science.

N. Shitsevalova, B. Gorshunov, L. Alyabyeva, 2018 .

M. Kawasaki, B. Gorshunov, K. von Klitzing, 2020, 2006.13627.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Fratini, 2018, Physical review letters.

B. Gorshunov, K. Motovilov, Z. V. Gagkayeva, 2022, Physical review. E.

P. Lunkenheimer, M. Savinov, D. Vinnik, 2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

M. Dressel, J. Mannhart, B. Gorshunov, 2001, Physical review letters.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, V. Torgashev, 2016 .

Martin Dressel, Rainer Waser, Susanne Hoffmann-Eifert, 2002 .

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, V. Torgashev, 2014, The Journal of chemical physics.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, 2018 .

F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2014 .

B. Gorshunov, A. Dudka, V. Thomas, 2020, Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques.

A. S. Prokhorov, M. Dressel, P. Lunkenheimer, 2020, Nature Communications.

N. Shitsevalova, B. Gorshunov, L. Alyabyeva, 2018, Physical Review B.

N. Shitsevalova, B. Gorshunov, G. Komandin, 2018 .

B. Gorshunov, A. Dudka, Z. Bedran, 2020, Crystallography Reports.

F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, J. Petzelt, 2016, 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz).

M. Dressel, P. Lunkenheimer, A. Loidl, 2019, IFMBE Proceedings.

A. S. Prokhorov, F. Kadlec, M. Dressel, 2015, 2015 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz).

J. Hlinka, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, 1994 .

I. Bersuker, M. Dressel, D. Vinnik, 2020, Scientific Reports.

J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, B. Gorshunov, 1994 .

A. S. Prokhorov, M. Dressel, Z. Jagličić, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

T. Kallio, A. Nasibulin, A. Safonov, 2022, ACS applied materials & interfaces.

M. Dressel, J. Mannhart, B. Gorshunov, 2001, Physical review letters.

J. Lloyd‐Hughes, E. Kauppinen, J. Kono, 2021, Advanced Optical Materials.

V. V. Zemlyanov, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2013 .

B. Gorshunov, O. Khrykina, N. Bolotina, 2018, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

B. Gorshunov, O. Khrykina, N. Bolotina, 2022, Chinese Physics Letters.

N. Shitsevalova, B. Gorshunov, G. Komandin, 2019, 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz).

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, O. Ushakov, 2006 .

B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, A. Azarevich, 2022, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

G. Grüner, M. Dressel, H. Adrian, 2002, Physical review letters.

J. Petzelt, B. Gorshunov, A. Volkov, 1990 .

B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, N. Bachar, 2012 .

M. Dressel, M. Jourdan, H. Adrian, 1998 .

D. S. Baranov, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2018, Physical Review B.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, N. Barišić, 2010, 1004.2962.

R. Hühne, B. Gorshunov, L. Kadyrov, 2020, Superconductor Science and Technology.

M. Dressel, K. Iida, B. Gorshunov, 2015, 1511.05017.

M. Siegel, M. Scheffler, M. Dressel, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology.

V. P. Kalinushkin, B. Gorshunov, L. V. Arapkina, 2010, 1101.3527.

K. Laasonen, V. Podzorov, A. Nasibulin, 2022, Advanced science.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Kaiser, 2011, 1106.0651.

J. Schlueter, B. Gorshunov, S. Fratini, 2017, Nature Materials.

B. Gorshunov, A. Volkov, G. Kozlov, 2009 .

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2003, Physical review letters.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Adachi, 2005 .

J. Akimitsu, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2002, cond-mat/0201413.

G. V. Kozlov, A. A. Volkov, B. P. Gorshunov, 1982 .

B. Gorshunov, A. Volkov, I. Spektor, 2008 .

A. I. Vodchits, B. Gorshunov, V. Gorelik, 2017 .

O. Magdysyuk, A. Sobolev, B. Gorshunov, 2022, Materials horizons.

A. S. Prokhorov, A. Bush, B. Gorshunov, 2011 .

D. Vinnik, B. Gorshunov, L. Alyabyeva, 2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, A. Pimenov, 2008, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

M. Siegel, M. Scheffler, M. Dressel, 2014, 2014 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz).

Di Wu, M. Dressel, S. Haindl, 2013, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Adachi, 2001, Physical review letters.

D. Vinnik, B. Gorshunov, L. Alyabyeva, 2023, Materials Research Bulletin.

A. S. Prokhorov, J. Wosnitza, M. Dressel, 2011, 1111.7239.

I. Bersuker, M. Dressel, D. Vinnik, 2020, Scientific Reports.

M. Dressel, D. Vinnik, B. Gorshunov, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

M. Dressel, D. Vinnik, B. Gorshunov, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, E. Zhukova, 2018, Journal of Biological Physics.

Martin Dressel, A. A. Mukhin, Dante Gatteschi, 2001 .

A. V. Gelfand, B. Gorshunov, I. Spektor, 2008, 2008 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves.

B. Gorshunov, M. Belkin, L. Alyabyeva, 2017, Scientific Reports.

B. Gorshunov, L. Kadyrov, M. Magnitskaya, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

E. V. Pechen, B. Gorshunov, A. Volkov, 1988 .

A. Nasibulin, B. Gorshunov, E. Gilshteyn, 2017, Nanotechnology.

B. Gorshunov, R. Maev, Y. Goncharov, 1996, Proceedings of Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena - CEIDP '96.

M. Dressel, H. Adrian, B. Gorshunov, 2000, cond-mat/0005040.

Martin Dressel, Gennady A. Komandin, B. P. Gorshunov, 2013 .

V. P. Kalinushkin, B. Gorshunov, L. V. Arapkina, 2008, 2008 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves.

R. Waser, S. Hoffmann‐Eifert, M. Dressel, 2002 .

M. Savinov, B. Gorshunov, V. Abalmasov, 2023, Solid State Communications.

A. Gulian, D. Vechten, E. Cappelluti, 2018 .

Xun Yu, V. P. Kalinushkin, Cai-Hong Liu, 2011, Nanoscale research letters.

B. Gorshunov, I. Spektor, A. Prokhorov, 2007 .

B. Gorshunov, S. Lebedev, G. Komandin, 2005, 2005 Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics.

M. Dressel, G. Gruner, B. Gorshunov, 2005, 2005 Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics.

M. Dressel, A. Loidl, B. Gorshunov, 2005 .

G. Deutscher, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2004, cond-mat/0404081.

G. Deutscher, M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, 2006 .

B. Gorshunov, S. Lebedev, G. Komandin, 2004, Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th International Conference on 2004 and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2004..

Tatiana S. Perova, Ekaterina V. Astrova, Pavel K. Kashkarov, 2005, SPIE OPTO-Ireland.

M. Dressel, M. Savinov, B. Gorshunov, 2016, 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz).

B. Gorshunov, A. Mostert, E. Zhukova, 2019, 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz).

M. Savinov, B. Gorshunov, K. Motovilov, 2019, 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz).

M. Dressel, B. Gorshunov, S. Uchida, 2003 .