N. Dhar


Robert A. Richwine, Thomas G. Bramhall, J. Hoyt, 2010 .

Ashok K. Sood, Robert A. Richwine, Yash R. Puri, 2010, NanoScience + Engineering.

Nibir K. Dhar, Zhong Lin Wang, Ashok K. Sood, 2009, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

Ashok K. Sood, Nibir K. Dhar, Theeradetch Detchprohm, 2015, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

C. Grein, N. Dhar, S. Velicu, 2005 .

Nibir K. Dhar, Priyalal S. Wijewarnasuriya, David J. Smith, 2012, Journal of Electronic Materials.

Nibir K. Dhar, Sachidananda Babu, Parminder Ghuman, 2020, Optical Engineering + Applications.

A. Dutta, N. Dhar, Kwong-Kit Choi, 2021, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.

Nibir K. Dhar, Sachidananda Babu, Parminder Ghuman, 2019, Remote Sensing.

M. Stapelbroek, S. Sivananthan, C. Grein, 2008, 2007 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium.

Zhong Lin Wang, Ashok K. Sood, Yash R. Puri, 2011, Optical Engineering + Applications.

A. Akhiyat, Renganathan Ashokan, Nibir K. Dhar, 2000 .

Nibir K. Dhar, Priyalal S. Wijewarnasuriya, M. V. Rao, 2010 .

M. V. Rao, P. Wijewarnasuriya, N. Dhar, 2013, Journal of Electronic Materials.

Ashok K. Sood, Robert A. Richwine, Pradeep Haldar, 2015 .

Zhong Lin Wang, D. Polla, A. Sood, 2018 .

Nibir K. Dhar, Kiyoshi Asakawa, Achyut K. Dutta, 2005 .

Mool C. Gupta, Peter M. Litwin, N. Dhar, 2019, Journal of Applied Physics.

N. Goldsman, N. Dhar, Ziyang Xiao, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD).

Ashok K. Sood, Nibir K. Dhar, A. Sood, 2013 .

S. Acton, K. Iftekharuddin, N. Dhar, 2022, Appl. Artif. Intell..

Scott T. Acton, Nibir K. Dhar, B. O. Familoni, 2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).

Nibir K. Dhar, Gregory Brill, Yuanping Chen, 2004, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

Nibir K. Dhar, Lee A. Elizondo, Ravi Dat, 2015, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications.

K. S. Rahman, N. Amin, K. Sopian, 2014, 8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering.

A. Alec Talin, Nibir K. Dhar, Sonia Grego, 2011, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

M. Q. Huda, N. Amin, K. Sopian, 2012, 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference.

Nibir K. Dhar, Ashok K. Sood, Yash R. Puri, 2016, SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging.

Madan Dubey, Nibir K. Dhar, Ashok K. Sood, 2014, Sensing Technologies + Applications.

I. P. Batra, S. Sivananthan, C. Grein, 2003, cond-mat/0306219.

R. Benz, C. Summers, N. Dhar, 1992 .

Ashok K. Sood, Robert A. Richwine, Yash R. Puri, 2009, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

Nibir K. Dhar, Priyalal S. Wijewarnasuriya, G. Brill, 2008 .

N. Dhar, M. Jang, S. Yoo, 2019, Semiconductor Science and Technology.

S. Nayak, M. Dubey, N. Kharche, 2015, Science Advances.

Mukti M. Rana, Andrew Voshell, Nibir Dhar, 2017, Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging.

Avik W. Ghosh, Kerem Y Çamsarı, N. Dhar, 2023, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

N. Dhar, M. Jang, S. Yoo, 2019, Semiconductor Science and Technology.

Hadis Morkoc, Erdem Topsakal, Natalia Izyumskaya, 2019, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine.

S. Sivananthan, P. Wijewarnasuriya, N. Dhar, 2004 .

Nibir K. Dhar, S. Nayak, M. Dubey, 2015 .

Ethan Klem, Jay Lewis, Chris Gregory, 2013, Optics & Photonics - Optical Engineering + Applications.

N. Goldsman, N. Dhar, D. P. Ettisserry, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD).

Nibir K. Dhar, Ashok K. Sood, Yash R. Puri, 2016, SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging.

Ashok K. Sood, Nibir K. Dhar, Jay Lewis, 2016, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

Nibir K. Dhar, Priyalal S. Wijewarnasuriya, M. Saif Islam, 2019, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine, Weijian Yang, M. Islam, 2020, 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).

A. Dutta, N. Dhar, K. Choi, 2023, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.

Achyut K. Dutta, Patrick Oduor, Genki Mizuno, 2016, SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging.

Achyut K. Dutta, M. Saif Islam, Nibir K. Dhar, 2005, SPIE Optics East.

Zhong Lin Wang, Ashok K. Sood, Robert A. Richwine, 2011, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

Ashok K. Sood, Gopal G. Pethuraja, Nibir K. Dhar, 2014, Sensing Technologies + Applications.

Nibir K. Dhar, Khan M. Iftekharuddin, Alexander Glandon, 2020, Optical Engineering + Applications.

Scott T. Acton, L. Vidyaratne, Nibir K. Dhar, 2019, 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

E. Robinson, A. C. Ionescu, D. Okerlund, 2012, Journal of Electronic Materials.