N. Spassky


Hideyuki Okano, Hynek Wichterle, Nathalie Spassky, 2006, Science.

A. S. M. Shihavuddin, A. Genovesio, S. Sigoillot, 2017 .

P. Cicuta, J. Kotar, N. Spassky, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

F. Silbermann, S. Saunier, N. Spassky, 2010, Journal of Cell Science.

A. S. M. Shihavuddin, A. Genovesio, J. Sobczak-Thépot, 2017, Science.

Asm Shihavuddin, Elton Rexhepaj, Sreetama Basu, 2017, Nature Communications.

A. Genovesio, N. Spassky, É. Laruelle, 2020, Communications Biology.

P. Cicuta, J. Kotar, E. Lauga, 2020, Journal of Experimental Biology.

K. Sawamoto, M. Montcouquiol, J. Corsi, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

Jean-Léon Thomas, N. Spassky, B. Zalc, 2004, Neuron glia biology.

H. Takebayashi, J. Levine, N. Spassky, 2003, Journal of neuroscience research.

C. Janke, N. Spassky, N. Delgehyr, 2015, Methods in cell biology.

N. Spassky, B. Zalc, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, 2000, The Biochemical journal.

I. Cobos, S. Martinez, N. Spassky, 2000, Journal of neuroscience research.

S. Martinez, N. Spassky, B. Zalc, 1999, Developmental biology.

J. García-Verdugo, A. Álvarez-Buylla, N. Spassky, 2008, Developmental biology.

J. García-Verdugo, A. Álvarez-Buylla, S. Schneider-Maunoury, 2008, Nature Neuroscience.

A. Chédotal, Jean-Léon Thomas, F. de Castro, 2002, The Journal of Neuroscience.

N. Spassky, A. Meunier, Alice Meunier, 2017, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

A. Genovesio, N. Spassky, É. Laruelle, 2020, Communications Biology.

K. Sawamoto, M. Montcouquiol, J. Corsi, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

J. García-Verdugo, A. Álvarez-Buylla, F. Merkle, 2005, The Journal of Neuroscience.

N. Spassky, Gonzalo Ortiz-Álvarez, 2020, Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

P. Rostaing, N. Spassky, Olivier Mercey, 2018, Scientific Reports.

K. Sawamoto, N. Spassky, A. Meunier, 2013 .

K. Nave, S. Martinez, Jean-Léon Thomas, 2009, The Journal of comparative neurology.

Alexandre Jourdon, N. Spassky, P. Topilko, 2016, Brain Structure and Function.

N. Spassky, A. Meunier, Alice Meunier, 2016, Current opinion in cell biology.

N. Spassky, B. Zalc, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, 2000, The Biochemical journal.

N. Spassky, A. Meunier, Adel Al Jord, 2019, Biology of the cell.

Nathalie Spassky, N. Spassky, F. Encha-Razavi, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Genovesio, R. Voituriez, N. Spassky, 2018, Nature Communications.

R. Ferrante, F. Saudou, Jinho Kim, 2011, The Journal of clinical investigation.

Auguste Genovesio, Nathalie Spassky, Alessandra Boletta, 2017, Development.

S. Martinez, Jean-Léon Thomas, N. Spassky, 2005, The International journal of developmental biology.

S. Martinez, Jean-Léon Thomas, N. Spassky, 1997, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

A. Cumano, K. Nave, U. Suter, 2008, The Journal of Neuroscience.

S. Martinez, Jean-Léon Thomas, N. Spassky, 2000, Glia.

A. Genovesio, A. Boletta, N. Spassky, 2017, Journal of Cell Science.

J. García-Verdugo, A. Álvarez-Buylla, S. Schneider-Maunoury, 2008, Nature Neuroscience.

K. Sawamoto, M. Montcouquiol, J. Corsi, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

C. Janke, N. Spassky, N. Delgehyr, 2015, Methods in cell biology.

P. Rostaing, N. Spassky, Olivier Mercey, 2019, Nature Cell Biology.

A. Boletta, N. Spassky, Marie Daclin, 2017, Journal of Cell Science.

A. Boletta, N. Spassky, Marie Daclin, 2017, Development.