X. Sastre-Garau


Jean-Luc Coll, Véronique Josserand, Marie Dutreix, 2009, Clinical Cancer Research.

F. Collin, P. Terrier, L. Guillou, 1997, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

H. Magdelenat, X. Sastre-Garau, M. Lacombe, 1992, International journal of cancer.

A. Salomon, T. Soussi, P. de Cremoux, 1999, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

V. Soumelis, X. Sastre-Garau, S. Amigorena, 2012, The Journal of experimental medicine.

A. Vincent-Salomon, R. Rouzier, F. Reyal, 2013, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

E. Tartour, W. Fridman, X. Sastre-Garau, 1998, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

E. Barillot, A. Nicolas, S. Roman-Roman, 2013, Molecular Oncology.

A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, C. Lucchesi, 2010, EMBO molecular medicine.

B. Dutrillaux, J. Klijanienko, F. Soussaline, 2002, Diagnostic cytopathology.

P. Petrow, P. de Cremoux, P. Cottu, 2009, Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique.

P. Petrow, V. Servois, P. de Cremoux, 2008, Clinical medicine. Oncology.

A. Vincent-Salomon, J. Klijanienko, F. Bidard, 2009, European journal of cancer.

E. Tartour, W. Fridman, P. Kourilsky, 1994 .

A. Nicolas, C. Sainte-Rose, R. Bouvier, 2007, The Journal of pathology.

P. de Cremoux, X. Sastre-Garau, D. Charron, 2004, Obstetrics and gynecology.

A. Vincent-Salomon, E. Tartour, X. Sastre-Garau, 1996, International journal of cancer.

H. Brisse, D. Frappaz, L. Desjardins, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

C. Houdayer, S. Chevillard, X. Sastre-Garau, 2007, Oncogene.

X. Sastre-Garau, J. Couturier, R. Lagacé, 2003 .

J. Klijanienko, S. Theocharis, X. Sastre-Garau, 2009, Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.

P. Gestraud, O. Mariani, A. Vincent-Salomon, 2022, EMBO molecular medicine.

Nicolas Stransky, E. Barillot, F. Radvanyi, 2010, The Journal of pathology.

O. Mariani, A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, 2016, Breast Cancer Research.

X. Sastre-Garau, I. Gorin, 2008, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

C. Sautès-Fridman, J. Galon, W. Fridman, 2002, The Journal of clinical investigation.

A. Vincent-Salomon, B. Sigal-Zafrani, M. Meunier, 2004, Modern Pathology.

J. Klijanienko, H. Brisse, X. Sastre-Garau, 2011, Cancer cytopathology.

J. Klijanienko, S. Theocharis, X. Sastre-Garau, 2015, Cancer cytopathology.

C. Touboul, S. Bendifallah, X. Sastre-Garau, 2022, Gynecologic oncology.

X. Sastre-Garau, G. Orth, J. Couturier, 1995, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie.

J. Thiery, F. Radvanyi, C. Rosty, 2005, Molecular Cancer.

A. Vincent-Salomon, X. Sastre-Garau, M. Laé, 2009, Modern Pathology.

D. Chopin, J. Thiery, F. Radvanyi, 1999, Nature Genetics.

François Radvanyi, Jean Paul Thiery, J. Thiery, 2005, Human molecular genetics.

J. Thiery, A. Vincent-Salomon, C. Rosty, 2004, European journal of cancer.

L. Desjardins, B. Asselain, C. Bellmann, 2009, British Journal of Ophthalmology.

B. Asselain, J. Vilcoq, X. Sastre-Garau, 2005, Cancer.

Jérôme Couturier, Anna Almeida, Nicolas Dupin, 2009, The Journal of pathology.

J. Klijanienko, E. Patsouris, S. Theocharis, 2012, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology.

J. Klijanienko, S. Theocharis, X. Sastre-Garau, 2011, Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology.

J. Klijanienko, S. Theocharis, G. Tsourouflis, 2011, Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.

S. Albert, X. Sastre-Garau, M. Avril, 2016, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

F. Bidard, X. Sastre-Garau, M. Antoine, 2015, Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR.

A. Vincent-Salomon, M. Bollet, C. Lucchesi, 2013, International journal of cancer.

A. Vincent-Salomon, A. Aurias, X. Sastre-Garau, 2007, Modern Pathology.

A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, M. Poupon, 2007, Clinical Cancer Research.

A. Nicolas, M. Stern, D. Stoppa-Lyonnet, 2013, BMC Cancer.

B. Dutrillaux, X. Sastre-Garau, M. Muleris, 2005, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

N. Hayward, A. Gerdes, K. Wadt, 2015, Familial Cancer.

P. Gestraud, O. Mariani, A. Vincent-Salomon, 2022, bioRxiv.

A. Nicolas, Y. Marie, X. Sastre-Garau, 2016, npj Genomic Medicine.

O. Mariani, A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, 2014, Breast Cancer Research.

B. Dutrillaux, P. Vielh, X. Sastre-Garau, 1998, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer.

A. Vincent-Salomon, P. Validire, X. Sastre-Garau, 1996, Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.

Anne Vincent-Salomon, Bernard Asselain, Olivier Delattre, 2010, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

X. Sastre-Garau, C. Kane, M. Diop, 2021, Journal of medical virology.

J. Thiery, A. Vincent-Salomon, F. Bidard, 2008, Clinical Cancer Research.

Emmanuel Barillot, Philippe Hupé, Jérôme Couturier, 2009, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

J. Thiery, I. Lascu, X. Sastre-Garau, 1991, European journal of cancer.

G. Gyapay, E. Barillot, S. Richard, 2013, American journal of human genetics.

J. Klijanienko, H. Brisse, F. Bourdeaut, 2011, Cancer cytopathology.

J. Thiery, A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, 2008, Clinical Cancer Research.

X. Sastre-Garau, I. Lebigot, Xavier Sastre-Garau, 2008, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.

B. Asselain, G. Almouzni, X. Sastre-Garau, 2009, EMBO molecular medicine.

A. Vincent-Salomon, A. Nicolas, D. Stoppa-Lyonnet, 2000, British Journal of Cancer.

A. Vincent-Salomon, C. Rosty, X. Sastre-Garau, 2004, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

F. Collin, P. Terrier, L. Guillou, 2001, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

T. Soussi, D. Stoppa-Lyonnet, H. Magdelenat, 1998, The Lancet.

A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Lantz, X. Sastre-Garau, 2020, Nature Communications.

A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, C. Lucchesi, 2010, European journal of cancer.

J. Bosq, X. Sastre-Garau, J. Caillaud, 1989, Annales de pathologie.

J. Thiery, A. Vincent-Salomon, F. Bidard, 2007, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Lantz, X. Sastre-Garau, 2020, Nature Communications.

A. Vincent-Salomon, Y. Rycke, F. Bidard, 2009, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

Sylvie Chevillard, S. Chevillard, X. Sastre-Garau, 2011, Carcinogenesis.

O. Lantz, H. Kitamura, X. Sastre-Garau, 2010, The Journal of Immunology.

S. Chevillard, A. Gibaud, X. Sastre-Garau, 2006, Carcinogenesis.

J. Thiery, A. Vincent-Salomon, H. Magdelenat, 2004, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Nicolas, H. Magdelenat, E. Osinaga, 2006, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

B. Asselain, X. Sastre-Garau, C. Bergeron, 2000, Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie.

A. Vincent-Salomon, P. Validire, X. Sastre-Garau, 1998, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

John Herrick, Aaron Bensimon, Jérôme Couturier, 2005, Cancer research.

P. de Cremoux, P. Cottu, X. Sastre-Garau, 2009, International journal of cancer.

J. Klijanienko, C. Kittas, A. Sklavounou, 2010, Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology.

J. Klijanienko, S. Theocharis, G. Tsourouflis, 2011, Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology.

X. Sastre-Garau, E. Jeannot, A. Harlé, 2018, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

J. Blais, M. Poupon, C. Houdayer, 2010, Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy.

X. Sastre-Garau, Naima Talhi, S. Rejaibi, 2021, International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.

Jacques Prost, Jean-François Joanny, Thomas Risler, 2009, HFSP journal.

A. Nicolas, A. Lapillonne, X. Sastre-Garau, 2000, Anticancer Research.

P. de Cremoux, E. Osinaga, X. Sastre-Garau, 2013, International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer.

O. Mariani, A. Vincent-Salomon, O. Delattre, 2016, Breast Cancer Research.

X. Sastre-Garau, Mejía-Gómez Javier, 2012, The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ.

V. Soumelis, X. Sastre-Garau, S. Amigorena, 2012, The Journal of experimental medicine.

P. Cottu, X. Sastre-Garau, P. Beuzeboc, 2008, Clinical medicine. Oncology.

Nicolas Stransky, E. Barillot, F. Radvanyi, 2010, The Journal of pathology.

E. Barillot, A. Nicolas, S. Roman-Roman, 2013, Molecular oncology.

N. Hayward, A. Gerdes, K. Wadt, 2015, Familial Cancer.