V. van Casteren


P. van Damme, V. van Casteren, P. V. D. Van den Bergh, 2014, Acta Neurologica Belgica.

E. Vermeire, P. Van Royen, J. Denekens, 2002, Diabetes care.

C. Mathieu, V. van Casteren, A. Scheen, 2013, Journal of diabetes and its complications.

F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2005, Central European journal of public health.

V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2010, International journal of clinical practice.

J. Wens, E. de Clercq, V. van Casteren, 2015, Archives of Public Health.

V. van Casteren, P. Leurquin, 1992, Methods of Information in Medicine.

A. Van den Bruel, F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, 2008, European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine.

L. Deliens, R. Deschepper, V. van Casteren, 2008, Archives of internal medicine.

F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2003, Cerebrovascular Diseases.

L. Deliens, J. Bilsen, R. Deschepper, 2009, BMC public health.

M. Echteld, B. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, L. Deliens, 2011, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

L. Deliens, J. Bilsen, R. Deschepper, 2007, JAMA.

V. van Casteren, N. Bossuyt, K. Vanthomme, 2011, Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.

J. Wens, V. van Casteren, J. Van der Heyden, 2018, International journal of environmental research and public health.

E. de Clercq, V. van Casteren, N. Bossuyt, 2014, Archives of Public Health.

M. Echteld, L. Deliens, J. Bilsen, 2012, International Psychogeriatrics.

L. Deliens, J. Bilsen, V. van Casteren, 2010, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2011, Vascular health and risk management.

V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2010, Central European journal of public health.

V. van Casteren, R. Mertens, D. Walckiers, 1987, International journal of epidemiology.

M. Echteld, B. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, L. Deliens, 2011, Journal of pain and symptom management.

V. van Casteren, N. Bossuyt, K. Vanthomme, 2012, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, H. Wauters, 2000, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, A. Sasse, 2002, Family practice.

F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2002, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

V. van Casteren, A. Scheen, F. Nobels, 2008, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

J De Maeseneer, J. De Maeseneer, V. van Casteren, 1995, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

V. van Casteren, D. Devroey, 2006, International journal of injury control and safety promotion.

P. Piot, V. van Casteren, D. Walckiers, 1988, Acta clinica Belgica.

G. Kegels, V. van Casteren, G. Verschraegen, 1987, The Journal of hospital infection.

F. Buntinx, V. van Casteren, B. Aertgeerts, 2003, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

D. Fleming, F. Schellevis, V. van Casteren, 2004, European journal of public health.

M. Echteld, L. Deliens, J. Bilsen, 2009, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

P. van Damme, V. van Casteren, P. V. D. Van den Bergh, 2014, Acta Neurologica Belgica.

N. Hens, K. Bollaerts, V. van Casteren, 2012, Epidemiology and Infection.

V. van Casteren, K. Vanthomme, S. Moreels, 2014, Family practice.

V. van Casteren, D. Walckiers, A. Stroobant, 1985, Archives belges = Belgisch archief.

V. van Casteren, G. Matricali, F. Nobels, 2014, Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews.