Marlene Z. Cohen


P. Bierman, Marlene Z. Cohen, A. Berger, 2017, Clinical journal of oncology nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, Luppana Kitrungroter, 2006, Oncology nursing forum.

Ann Marie McCarthy, Marlene Z. Cohen, Vicki S. Conn, 2019, Western journal of nursing research.

Marlene Z. Cohen, R. Steeves, D. Kahn, 2000 .

G. Alexander, V. Conn, N. Fahrenwald, 2012, Western journal of nursing research.

Mark R Gilbert, M. Gilbert, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2004, Seminars in oncology nursing.

J. Sansoni, E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2002, Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

E. Bruera, Marlene Z. Cohen, Beth E. Burbach, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

R. Herbst, J. Abbruzzese, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2002, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

T. Mendoza, M. Munsell, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2005, Journal of pain and symptom management.

H. Skirton, Marlene Z. Cohen, A. Calvin, 2006, Journal of clinical nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Craft, Marita Titter, 1993, Critical care nursing quarterly.

Katherine M. Castle, Jody Koenig Kellas, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2017, Behavioral sciences.

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Fisch, Julie Snider, 2004, Supportive Care in Cancer.

B. Ferrell, Marlene Z. Cohen, C. Visovsky, 2010, Oncology nursing forum.

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Fossum, A. Opsal, 2021, Western journal of nursing research.

C. Pullen, L. Zimmerman, B. Yates, 2015, Nursing outlook.

E. Svensson, Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Fossum, 2016, Journal of clinical nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, K. Ownby, M. Rude, 2003, Journal of pain and symptom management.

M. Gilbert, Marlene Z. Cohen, T. Armstrong, 2004 .

R. Herbst, J. Abbruzzese, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2007, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Marlene Z. Cohen, W. Suttharangsee, Luppana Kitrungrote, 2008 .

E. Bruera, Marlene Z. Cohen, E. Pace, 2009, Journal of palliative care.

Marlene Z. Cohen, Lois J. Starr, A. Hanish, 2018, Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN.

Marlene Z. Cohen, J. Phillips, Justine K Alipio, 2022, Western journal of nursing research.

E. Bruera, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Reddy, 2008, Gastroenterology nursing : the official journal of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates.

Marlene Z. Cohen, G. Sherwood, J. Headley, 2000, International Journal for Human Caring.

E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, C. Galletti, 2006, Cancer nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Harle, Rebecca F Dela, 2007, Oncology nursing forum.

Cheryl Tatano Beck, Marlene Z. Cohen, Barbara A. Keddy, 1994, Western journal of nursing research.

M. Munsell, Marlene Z. Cohen, A. Broxson, 2010, Oncology nursing forum.

M. Munsell, Marlene Z. Cohen, A. Broxson, 2008, Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy.

Marlene Z. Cohen, J. Mick, M. Hughes, 2004, Clinical journal of oncology nursing.

Kathryn Knafl, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Sullivan-Bolyai, 2016, Western journal of nursing research.

Marlene Z. Cohen, R. Steeves, D. Kahn, 1996, Western journal of nursing research.

Marlene Z. Cohen, L. Cohen, A. Chaoul, 2014, Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM.

Marlene Z. Cohen, H. McIlvain, M. Siahpush, 2014, Journal of advanced nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, D. Jenkins, E. Holston, 2013, Oncology nursing forum.

Marlene Z. Cohen, T. Tripp-Reimer, 1988, Western journal of nursing research.

J. Richardson, Marlene Z. Cohen, J. Richardson, 1999, Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

Marlene Z. Cohen, C. Ley, A. Tarzian, 2001, Western journal of nursing research.

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Bumbaugh, 2004, Oncology nursing forum.

E. Bruera, P. Perez-Cruz, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

K. Schumacher, Marlene Z. Cohen, W. Lydiatt, 2012, Cancer nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, L. Struwe, S. S. Woods, 2021, The Journal of ambulatory care management.

J. Hickey, Marlene Z. Cohen, T. Armstrong, 2004, Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, G. Piras, 2008, Journal of advanced nursing.

K. Kupzyk, L. Holley, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2017, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

V. Conn, N. Fahrenwald, Julio C. Loya, 2016, Western journal of nursing research.

M. Munsell, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Despa, 2004, Oncology nursing forum.

T. Mendoza, M. Golant, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2020, Western journal of nursing research.

Robert Topp, Vicki S Conn, Marlene Z Cohen, 2013, Western journal of nursing research.

J. Phillips, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2011, Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Marlene Z. Cohen, L. Young, Beth E. Burbach, 2019, Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

P. Bierman, K. Kupzyk, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2019, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

C. Pullen, K. Berg, B. Yates, 2018, Workplace health & safety.

M. Gilbert, K. Hess, A. Yung, 2006, Journal of pain and symptom management.

L. Holley, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Wengel, 2012, Western journal of nursing research.

A. Ganti, Marlene Z. Cohen, R. Harrington, 2018, International Journal for Human Caring.

Marlene Z. Cohen, 1998 .

C. Cleeland, T. Mendoza, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

E. Bruera, Marlene Z. Cohen, J. Palmer, 2008, Journal of palliative medicine.

C. Cleeland, T. Mendoza, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Marlene Z. Cohen, K. Jenkins, Harlan Sayles, 2022, Journal of nursing care quality.

Marlene Z. Cohen, R. Steeves, D. Kahn, 2002, Western journal of nursing research.

R. Alvaro, E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2017, European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology.

R. Alvaro, E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2012, Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

J. Hickey, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Upchurch, 2009, Nursing outlook.

V. Conn, J. Wyman, N. Fahrenwald, 2014, Western journal of nursing research.

L. Holley, Marlene Z. Cohen, S. Wengel, 2013, Western journal of nursing research.

S. Bonasera, W. Burke, M. Hertzog, 2015, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

Marlene Z. Cohen, B. Sorofman, C. Smith, 1994, Social science & medicine.

Marlene Z. Cohen, L. Struwe, Douglass Haas, 2022, Journal of continuing education in nursing.

C. R. Fourtner, R. Herbst, C. F. Herreid, 1994 .

C. Pullen, K. Berg, B. Yates, 2018, Workplace health & safety.

S. Simeone, R. Alvaro, E. Vellone, 2015, European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology.

V. Conn, J. Wyman, N. Fahrenwald, 2018, Western Journal of Nursing Research.

G. Alexander, V. Conn, N. Fahrenwald, 2015, Western journal of nursing research.

Marlene Z. Cohen, C. Yucha, C. Bevil, 2012, Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

V. Conn, N. Fahrenwald, Julio C. Loya, 2017, Western journal of nursing research.

R. Alvaro, E. Vellone, Marlene Z. Cohen, 2016, Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita.

Marlene Z. Cohen, 2000 .

Marlene Z. Cohen, M. Z. Cohen, 1987, Image--the journal of nursing scholarship.

Kevin A Kupzyk, Marlene Z Cohen, K. Kupzyk, 2015, Western journal of nursing research.