O. Spiegel


Susanne A. Fritz, Navinder J. Singh, Samuel L. Díaz-Muñoz, 2018, Science.

E. Revilla, Ran Nathan, R. Casagrandi, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ran Nathan, W. Getz, O. Spiegel, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Ran Nathan, W. Getz, W. Bouten, 2016, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Andrew M. Hein, A. Hein, A. Sih, 2018, Trends in ecology & evolution.

Orr Spiegel, Uri Grodzinski, Marc W Holderied, 2009, The Journal of animal ecology.

Christine E. Beardsworth, Sivan Toledo, P. Gupte, 2020, bioRxiv.

Ran Nathan, A. Tsoar, F. Schurr, 2009 .

A. Haynie, J. Sanchirico, A. Strelcheck, 2019, Nature Communications.

Roland Kays, Orr Spiegel, Christen H. Fleming, 2020, bioRxiv.

Eric R. Dougherty, W. Getz, C. Carlson, 2018, bioRxiv.

Eric R. Dougherty, W. Getz, C. Carlson, 2018, bioRxiv.

Pete C. Trimmer, Sean M. Ehlman, P. Trimmer, 2019, The American Naturalist.

Quinn M. R. Webber, Gregory F. Albery, D. Farine, 2022, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

Ramalho, Bruce D. Patterson, Dana G. Schabo, 2022, bioRxiv.

Damien R. Farine, Orr Spiegel, Pierre-Olivier Montiglio, 2015, Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

D. Saltz, O. Spiegel, S. Bar-David, 2022, Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Ran Nathan, J. Bronstein, E. Schupp, 2007 .

Orr Spiegel, Claudia Fichtel, Peter M. Kappeler, 2019, Ecological Monographs.

Carl R. Gosper, D. Richardson, Ran Nathan, 2006 .

Orr Spiegel, Ofer Steinitz, Ran Nathan, 2008, Trends in ecology & evolution.

Dana G. Schabo, R. Kays, H. Skov, 2020, Journal of Avian Biology.

Dana G. Schabo, Y. Ropert‐Coudert, A. Chiaradia, 2019, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Orr Spiegel, Andrew Sih, C Michael Bull, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Louie H. Yang, O. Spiegel, Alexandra G. McInturf, 2019, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

N. Pinter-Wollman, O. Spiegel, Nitika Sharma, 2023, Ecology and evolution.

Orr Spiegel, Shay O’Farrell, O. Spiegel, 2019, Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior.

Eric K. Cole, Daniel D. Olson, Michael E. Egan, 2023, Science.

Sivan Toledo, O. Spiegel, Eitam Arnon, 2023, Royal Society Open Science.

Eric R. Dougherty, W. Getz, C. Carlson, 2018, bioRxiv.

Orr Spiegel, Margaret C Crofoot, M. Crofoot, 2016, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.

O. Spiegel, L. Anglister, O. Hatzofe, 2023, The Science of the total environment.

Ran Nathan, W. Getz, O. Spiegel, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.