A. Reynolds


M. Yanagisawa, I. Kaverina, Aixia Wang, 2004, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Alissa M. Weaver, V. Quaranta, A. Anderson, 2009, Cancer research.

E. Gaucher, A. Reynolds, Zi-ming Zhao, 2011, BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Xiaobo Xia, Ellen Fanning, E. Fanning, 2004, Molecular biology of the cell.

M. Kriegsmann, W. Weichert, A. Klein-Szanto, 2018, Developmental cell.

A. Reynolds, Agnes Roczniak-Ferguson, 2004, Oncogene.

A. Reynolds, R. Carnahan, 2004, Seminars in cell & developmental biology.

A. Reynolds, M. A. Thoreson, 2002, Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

A. Reynolds, W. Moolenaar, G. Zondag, 2000, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

M. Takeichi, A. Reynolds, S. Nakagawa, 1999, The Journal of cell biology.

E. Fuchs, M. Perez-Moreno, A. Reynolds, 2010, PloS one.

M. Washington, R. Coffey, A. Reynolds, 2010, The Journal of clinical investigation.

J. Parsons, S. Kanner, A. Reynolds, 1989, Molecular and cellular biology.

J. Lynch, A. Reynolds, Hong Li, 2007, American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology.

A. Reynolds, 2007, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

P. Vincent, A. Reynolds, Anthony M. Lowery, 2011, American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.

Brian Bierie, A. Noske, W. Muller, 2020, Journal of Cell Science.

J. Parsons, S. Kanner, A. Reynolds, 1989, Journal of immunological methods.

R. Gascoyne, John Calvin Reed, S. Krajewski, 1998, The American journal of pathology.

A. Malik, R. Minshall, A. Reynolds, 2015, The American journal of pathology.

A. Reynolds, A. Kowalczyk, 2004, Current opinion in cell biology.

F. van Roy, A. Reynolds, E. Sanders, 2012, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

A. Reynolds, Agnes Roczniak-Ferguson, 2003, Journal of Cell Science.

M. Dohn, A. Reynolds, Meredith V. Brown, 2012, Molecular biology of the cell.

Y. Shintani, A. Reynolds, Keith R. Johnson, 2008, Experimental cell research.

A. Reynolds, Michael A Davis, Michael A. Davis, 2004, Journal of Cell Science.

A. Reynolds, P. Anastasiadis, F. Böhmer, 2001, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Parsons, S. Kanner, A. Reynolds, 1991, Molecular and cellular biology.

Albert B. Reynolds, A. Reynolds, R. Ireton, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

Albert B. Reynolds, Juliet M. Daniel, J. Daniel, 2000, The Journal of cell biology.

A. Reynolds, P. Anastasiadis, Albert B. Reynolds, 2001, Current opinion in cell biology.

Albert B. Reynolds, Juliet M. Daniel, J. Daniel, 1999, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

M. Dohn, A. Reynolds, Meredith V. Brown, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

H. Pasolli, E. Fuchs, M. Perez-Moreno, 2006, Cell.

F. van Roy, L. Bundy, L. Sealy, 2002, The Journal of cell biology.

A. Reynolds, P. Anastasiadis, A B Reynolds, 2000, Journal of cell science.

J. Daniel, A. Reynolds, 1997, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

J. Parsons, M. Schaller, A. Reynolds, 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Washington, N. Copeland, N. Jenkins, 2017, The Journal of clinical investigation.

J. Daniel, P. McCrea, J. Wu, 2003 .

D. Leckband, Lu Wang, Tetsuya S. Tanaka, 2010, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Coffey, M. Dohn, A. Reynolds, 2016, Journal of Cell Science.

A. G. de Herreros, M. Duñach, E. Batlle, 2010, Journal of Cell Science.

A. Minden, A. Reynolds, L. E. Wong, 2010, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

Jin Chen, A. Reynolds, Keiko Takahashi, 2014, PloS one.

W. D. Martin, H. Grossniklaus, P. Vincent, 2010, Circulation research.

J. Parsons, S. Kanner, A. Reynolds, 1990, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Yi Zheng, H. Crawford, A. Reynolds, 2000, Nature Cell Biology.

C. Iacobuzio-Donahue, A. Maitra, S. Leach, 2016, Cancer Research.

S. Wessler, B. Fingleton, R. Peek, 2008, Molecular biology of the cell.

D. Koh, Jin Young Kim, B. Jeon, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Caitlyn W. Barrett, Lori A. Coburn, M. Washington, 2019, Oncogene.

A. Reynolds, H. Semb, Silja Heilmann, 2019, Developmental cell.

S. Weed, J. Parsons, S. Kanner, 2014, Oncogene.

A. Reynolds, R. Carnahan, Nicholas O. Markham, 2012, Hybridoma.

A. Santarelli, A. Reynolds, C. Rubini, 2013, Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology.

R. Campos-González, A. Reynolds, Xiaobo Xia, 2004, Hybridoma and hybridomics.

J. Christman, A. Malik, R. Minshall, 2014, The Journal of Immunology.

M. Weber, A. Reynolds, L. Kozma, 1990, Molecular and cellular biology.

M. Dohn, A. Reynolds, Meredith V. Brown, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

A. Reynolds, H. Peng, R. Madhavan, 2006, Journal of neurobiology.

H. Grossniklaus, P. Vincent, A. Reynolds, 2010, Circulation research.

J. Daniel, A. Reynolds, R. Mernaugh, 1999, Hybridoma.

Alissa M. Weaver, V. Quaranta, D. Basanta, 2009, Cancer Research.