Y. Mansury


X. Ye, Jae Beum Cho, Y. Mansury, 2016, The Annals of Regional Science.

Thomas S Deisboeck, Mark Diggory, Yuri Mansury, 2006, Journal of theoretical biology.

Thomas S Deisboeck, Yuri Mansury, T. Deisboeck, 2004, Journal of theoretical biology.

Budy P. Resosudarmo, A. Patunru, Y. Mansury, 2019, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives.

Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Nij Tontisirin, Y. Mansury, 2021, Regional Science Policy & Practice.

B. Gaujal, L. Gulyás, Y. Mansury, 2007 .

C. A. Condat, T. Deisboeck, Y. Mansury, 2006 .

Thomas S. Deisboeck, Yuri Mansury, T. Deisboeck, 2006 .

Thomas S. Deisboeck, Yuri Mansury, T. Deisboeck, 2003, nlin/0308002.

Y. Mansury, Jingwen Li, Woosung Kim, 2023, International Regional Science Review.

Pier Paolo Delsanto, Alberto Carpinteri, Nicola Pugno, 2005, Journal of theoretical biology.

Thomas S. Deisboeck, Yuri Mansury, T. Deisboeck, 2004 .

Yuri Mansury, Y. Mansury, 2015, Comput. Environ. Urban Syst..

T. Deisboeck, P. Delsanto, Y. Mansury, 2004, q-bio/0405026.

Yuri Mansury, J. K. Shin, Y. Mansury, 2015, Comput. Environ. Urban Syst..

Pier Paolo Delsanto, Caterina Guiot, Thomas S. Deisboeck, 2003, physics/0307136.

Pier Paolo Delsanto, Caterina Guiot, Thomas S Deisboeck, 2003, Medical hypotheses.

Y. Mansury, Xinyu. Ye, 2016, The Annals of Regional Science.

T. Deisboeck, Y. Mansury, T. Demuth, 2005, Acta biotheoretica.