B. Perera


Pia A. Albinsson, L. Matthews, Lubna Nafees, 2022, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science.

Pia A. Albinsson, B. Burman, Lubna Nafees, 2019, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.

Pia A. Albinsson, B. Perera, Merlyn A. Griffiths, 2019, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.

Pia A. Albinsson, Lubna Nafees, B. Perera, 2021, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

David H. Tobey, Judith Y. Weisinger, B. Perera, 2015 .

Pia A. Albinsson, B. Perera, Merlyn A. Griffiths, 2022, Frontiers in Psychology.