B. Mellone


Gary H. Karpen, A. Straight, G. Karpen, 2008, The Journal of cell biology.

Brian J. Beliveau, A. Larracuente, Jelena Erceg, 2019, bioRxiv.

J. McIntosh, E. O'Toole, R. Allshire, 2001, Molecular biology of the cell.

R. Verma, C. Giardina, B. Mellone, 2012, Biochemical pharmacology.

R. Allshire, B. Mellone, 2003, Current opinion in genetics & development.

B. Mellone, Venkata S. P. Patchigolla, 2021, bioRxiv.

B. Mellone, Leah F. Rosin, 2017, Trends in genetics : TIG.

R. Allshire, A. Pidoux, B. Mellone, 2004, Methods.

Gary H Karpen, G. Karpen, M. Rapé, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nuno M C Martins, Ching-Ho Chang, Chao-Ting Wu, 2019, PLoS biology.

A. D. L. de la Cruz, A. Imhof, A. Thomae, 2013, Science.

B. Mellone, Chin-Chih Chen, 2016, The Journal of cell biology.

M. Kuroda, E. Larschan, B. Mellone, 2012, G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics.

B. Mellone, 2009, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

G. Karpen, S. Erhardt, B. Mellone, 2006, Nature Cell Biology.

G. Karpen, B. Mellone, Weiguo Zhang, 2009, Cell.

G. Karpen, B. Mellone, K. Grive, 2011, PLoS genetics.

B. Mellone, D. Fachinetti, 2021, Current Biology.

William A. Richardson, R. Allshire, J. Partridge, 2007, PLoS genetics.

H. Willard, K. Oegema, K. Sullivan, 2013, Chromosome Research.

G. Karpen, B. Mellone, Weiguo Zhang, 2007, Cell.

B. Mellone, J. Palladino, 2016, Developmental cell.

P. Lapierre, B. Mellone, Ragini Phansalkar, 2012, Chromosome Research.

K. Luger, M. L. Dechassa, B. Mellone, 2014, The Journal of cell biology.

B. Mellone, Sarion R. Bowers, 2011, The EMBO journal.

P. Lapierre, B. Mellone, Ragini Phansalkar, 2012, Chromosome Research.