P. Poole


G. Pakulski, K. Hinzer, Z.G. Lu, 2009, 2009 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication - incudes post deadline papers.

Zhenguo Lu, D. Poitras, Jiaren Liu, 2008, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

F. Grillot, K. Schires, K. Lüdge, 2016, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

Robin L. Williams, M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak, 2021 .

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, Jeff Young, 2006, physics/0612111.

Dan Dalacu, Val Zwiller, Gabriele Bulgarini, 2014, Nano letters.

Dan Dalacu, Marijn A. M. Versteegh, Angelo Gulinatti, 2014, Nature Communications.

M. Buchanan, Andre Delage, Jian-Jun He, 1998 .

Emil S. Koteles, Philip J. Poole, T. Jones, 1996 .

J. R. Liu, Pedro Barrios, Daniel Poitras, 2011 .

Philip J. Poole, Zhenguo Lu, Chunying Song, 2019, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

J. R. Liu, Pedro Barrios, Philip J. Poole, 2009 .

Zhiyi Zhang, Sylvain Raymond, Pedro Barrios, 2007 .

S. Moisa, J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, 2003 .

Sylvain Raymond, Philip J. Poole, Simon Fafard, 2002, Conference Proceedings. 14th Indium Phosphide and Related Materials Conference (Cat. No.02CH37307).

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, J. Lapointe, 2012, 1210.0956.

Shoude Chang, J. R. Liu, Philip J. Poole, 2018, OFC 2018.

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, J. Lapointe, 2006 .

Dan Dalacu, David J. Moss, Benjamin J. Eggleton, 2007, 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference.

J. Dubowski, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2018, Optics & Laser Technology.

Philip J. Poole, C. Lacelle, Jan J. Dubowski, 1998, Photonics West.

D. Gershoni, P. Hawrylak, N. Lindner, 2018, Physical Review X.

J. Lefebvre, M. Reimer, W. Sheng, 2008, 0809.2771.

Z. Mi, D. Plant, P. Poole, 2012, 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).

Z. Mi, D. Plant, P. Poole, 2012, Optics letters.

Z. Mi, P. Poole, P. Bianucci, 2012 .

J. Provost, J. Even, C. Wang, 2014, 2014 International Semiconductor Laser Conference.

I. V. Mitchell, E. Koteles, G. Weatherly, 1995 .

J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, 2001 .

R. Budakian, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2020, Physical Review Applied.

D. Oblak, Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, 2020 .

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, P. Poole, 2016, 1611.03245.

Robin L. Williams, M. Korkusinski, P. Poole, 2022, Physical Review B.

D. Poitras, J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, 2004 .

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, G. Bulgarini, 2014 .

W. Mckinnon, Robin L. Williams, M. Reimer, 2008 .

J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, 2002 .

D. Poitras, A. Stintz, K. Malloy, 2006, LEOS 2006 - 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society.

P. McMahon, V. Zwiller, J. Vučković, 2014, 1409.4728.

R. Driad, W. Mckinnon, S. McAlister, 1999 .

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, J. Lapointe, 2012, 1210.0956.

P. Poole, D. Dalacu, D. G. Austing, 2013, Nano letters.

R. Budakian, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

D. J. Lockwood, A. Springthorpe, Z. Wasilewski, 1997 .

J. Lefebvre, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2010, Nanotechnology.

P. Poole, J. Lapointe, R. Cheriton, 2011, 2011 ICO International Conference on Information Photonics.

R. Budakian, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Robin L. Williams, M. Korkusinski, P. Poole, 2021, Scientific Reports.

P. Coleridge, P. Poole, S. Studenikin, 2003, cond-mat/0303401.

Robin L. Williams, J. Haysom, P. Poole, 2000 .

G. Weihs, T. Huber, P. Poole, 2014, Nano letters.

A. Clerk, S. Bennett, P. Grutter, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Pedro Barrios, Daniel Poitras, Zhenguo Lu, 2021, 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC).

Z.G. Lu, J.R. Liu, P. Poole, 2019, 2019 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP).

I. V. Mitchell, P. Poole, S. Raymond, 2000, Conference Proceedings. 2000 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (Cat. No.00CH37107).

Jacques Beauvais, Jean Beerens, Philip J. Poole, 1997 .

Philip J. Poole, Mike Davies, Richard D. Goldberg, 1995 .

Dan Dalacu, Sylvain Raymond, Pedro Barrios, 2006 .

Dan Dalacu, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Samuel Gyger, 2018, Nano letters.

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, K. Jöns, 2017, Nature Communications.

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, K. Jöns, 2018, 2018 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO).

A. Gulinatti, V. Zwiller, M. Versteegh, 2015, Scientific Reports.

Dan Dalacu, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Val Zwiller, 2016, Nano letters.

Dan Dalacu, Val Zwiller, Jean Lapointe, 2012, Nano letters.

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, K. Jöns, 2019, ACS Photonics.

Dan Dalacu, Philip J. Poole, Jean Lapointe, 2018, Advanced Quantum Technologies.

G. Pakulski, Z.G. Lu, J.R. Liu, 2007, OFC/NFOEC 2007 - 2007 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference.

W. Mckinnon, J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, 2008 .

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, S. Haffouz, 2022, Nano letters.

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, D. Dalacu, 2019, Nanotechnology.

P. Poole, J. Lapointe, D. Dalacu, 2012, Nanotechnology.

Sylvain Raymond, Pedro Barrios, G. Pakulski, 2005 .

P. Poole, S. Studenikin, A. Sachrajda, 2010, 1007.4849.

Robin L. Williams, M. Korkusinski, P. Poole, 2021, Scientific Reports.

Dan Dalacu, Michael Reimer, Jiawei Qiu, 2021, OPTO.

Dan Dalacu, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Val Zwiller, 2017, Nature Communications.

Dan Dalacu, Arash Ahmadi, Michael E. Reimer, 2020, 2009.11818.

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, J. Lapointe, 2018, Applied Physics Letters.

G. Weihs, T. Huber, B. Lounis, 2015, Nature Communications.

Robin L. Williams, M. Reimer, P. Poole, 2010, 2010 Fourth International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies.

D. J. Lockwood, H. Shin, P. Poole, 2000 .

D. J. Lockwood, H. Shin, P. Poole, 2000 .

M. Buchanan, Z. R. Wasilewski, P. H. Wilson, 2001 .

Boris Lamontagne, Philip J. Poole, Jacques Lefebvre, 2001 .

P. Poole, P. Barrios, Jiaren Liu, 2021, Journal of Lightwave Technology.

Pedro Barrios, Daniel Poitras, G. Pakulski, 2021, OPTO.

Youxin Mao, Guocheng Liu, Philip J. Poole, 2020, 2020 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC).

P. Poole, Jiaren Liu, Zhenguo Lu, 2020, Journal of Lightwave Technology.

Dan Dalacu, Michael E. Reimer, Val Zwiller, 2013, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

M. Reimer, M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak, 2008, 2008 20th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials.

D. Moss, B. Eggleton, C. Monat, 2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 - Joint International Conference on the Optical Internet and the 32nd Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology.

Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, Jeff Young, 2006, physics/0612111.

J. Fraser, J. Lefebvre, P. Poole, 2000, cond-mat/0012440.

Philip J. Poole, Jacques Lefebvre, G. C. Aers, 2002 .

Xiupu Zhang, Xiaoran Xie, P. Poole, 2023, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

Dan Dalacu, Philip J. Poole, Jeff F. Young, 2009, 0910.0041.

P.J. Poole, D. Dalacu, M.W. McCutcheon, 2006, 2006 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference.

D. Poitras, J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, 2003 .

V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, P. Poole, 2017, 1710.10815.

Zhenguo Lu, Jiaren Liu, D. Poitras, 2008, Optics letters.

P. Poole, P. Barrios, Jiaren Liu, 2023, Journal of Lightwave Technology.

O. Gühne, V. Zwiller, S. Steinhauer, 2023, Nano letters.

S. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, 2019, Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies.

S. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M. Reimer, 2019 .

Philip J. Poole, Emil S. Koteles, Yan Feng, 1995, Other Conferences.

G. Weihs, T. Huber, B. Lounis, 2015 .

Sylvain Raymond, Pedro Barrios, G. Pakulski, 2006 .

V. Sazonova, Robin L. Williams, A. Springthorpe, 2010 .

Philip J. Poole, Robin L. Williams, Jacques Lefebvre, 2000, SPIE Photonics Taiwan.

Philip J. Poole, Jacques Lefebvre, J. Fraser, 2003 .

J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, P. Poole, 2002 .

Philip J. Poole, M. Gao, H. Liu, 2000 .

Lawrence R. Chen, P. Poole, Jiaren Liu, 2022, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics.

Lawrence R. Chen, D. Plant, P. Poole, 2021, 2021 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP).

D. Poitras, P. Poole, P. Barrios, 2019, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

D. J. Lockwood, P. Poole, N. Rowell, 2002, Conference Proceedings. 14th Indium Phosphide and Related Materials Conference (Cat. No.02CH37307).

Zhenghong Lu, D. Ban, P. Poole, 2011, CLEO: 2011 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications.

Jun Chen, Dayan Ban, Michael G. Helander, 2010, Defense + Commercial Sensing.

D. Ban, Jun Chen, Zhenghong Lu, 2009, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

A. J. SpringThorpe, H. C. Liu, H. Luo, 2008, International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications.

Sylvain Raymond, Z. G. Lu, J. R. Liu, 2008, SPIE/OSA/IEEE Asia Communications and Photonics.

Matteo P. Pennacchietti, T. Jennewein, V. Zwiller, 2023, Communications Physics.

Dan Dalacu, Silvania F. Pereira, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, 2020, 2003.09916.

P. Poole, J. Lapointe, S. Haffouz, 2017, 2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC).

P. Poole, S. Haffouz, D. Dalacu, 2016, 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC).

P. Poole, J. Lapointe, D. Dalacu, 2016, 2016 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM).

Dan Dalacu, Jean Lapointe, Philip J Poole, 2009, Nanotechnology.

D. Poitras, J. Lefebvre, Robin L. Williams, 2002 .

P. Coleridge, P. Poole, S. Studenikin, 2003, cond-mat/0311116.