Sebastian Walcher


Karl-Werner Schramm, Sebastian Walcher, Joachim Altschuh, 2003, Environ. Model. Softw..

Karl Peter Hadeler, Sebastian Walcher, K. Hadeler, 2006, J. Nonlinear Sci..

Eva Zerz, Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, 2015, CASC.

Sebastian Walcher, S. Walcher, 2009, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science.

François Fages, François Boulier, Andreas Weber, 2018, ACCA.

Eva Zerz, Sebastian Walcher, S. Walcher, 2015, Multidimens. Syst. Signal Process..

Udo Kamps, Erhard Cramer, Sebastian Walcher, 2017 .

Sebastian Walcher, Frank D. Grosshans, S. Walcher, 2014 .

Sebastian Walcher, Lena Noethen, S. Walcher, 2009, SIAM J. Appl. Math..

Thomas Sturm, François Fages, François Boulier, 2018, ACCA.

Sebastian Walcher, Volker Hosel, S. Walcher, 2001 .

Thomas Sturm, Sebastian Walcher, Ovidiu Radulescu, 2021, Math. Comput. Sci..

Sebastian Walcher, Justin Eilertsen, Santiago Schnell, 2021 .

Sebastian Walcher, Xiang Zhang, S. Walcher, 2021 .

Jaume Llibre, Sebastian Walcher, Niclas Kruff, 2021, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations.

Eva Zerz, Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, 2015 .

Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, S. Walcher, 2013 .

Eva Zerz, Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, 2012, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry.

Sebastian Walcher, Giuseppe Gaeta, Giampaolo Cicogna, 2013 .

Xiang Zhang, Jaume Llibre, Sebastian Walcher, 2014 .

Eva Zerz, Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, 2016, 1602.02642.

Elisenda Feliu, Carsten Wiuf, Sebastian Walcher, 2019, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst..

Jaume Llibre, Sebastian Walcher, Chara Pantazi, 2012 .

Sebastian Walcher, Lena Noethen, S. Walcher, 2011 .

Susanne Pumplün, Sebastian Walcher, S. Pumplün, 2002 .

Sebastian Walcher, Lorens A. Imhof, L. Imhof, 2005 .

Sebastian Walcher, Alexandra Goeke, S. Walcher, 2014, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry.

Jaume Llibre, Sebastian Walcher, Colin Christopher, 2009, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.

Sebastian Walcher, S. Walcher, Christian Lax, 2018, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B.

Sebastian Walcher, S. Walcher, 2000 .

Sebastian Walcher, Volkmar Liebscher, Bernd Gotzen, 2011, Bulletin of mathematical biology.