S. Griffith


Lawrence Carin, Michael D. Feldman, Badrinath Roysam, 2014, PloS one.

S. Shiffman, D. Heitjan, S. Griffith, 2016, International journal of methods in psychiatric research.

L. Romrell, I. Lieberman, E. Benzel, 2015, International Journal of Spine Surgery.

R. Mehra, N. Thompson, S. Griffith, 2016, Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

D. Cella, P. Crane, N. Thompson, 2017, Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.

Sandra D Griffith, Daniel F Heitjan, Hao Wang, 2013, The annals of applied statistics.

J. Scheman, S. Griffith, E. Covington, 2015, The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society.

S. Khozin, D. Schrag, S. Griffith, 2020, Advances in Therapy.

Sandra D Griffith, Lara Jehi, Sumeet Vadera, 2015, Medical care.

A. Abernethy, S. Griffith, Michael D. Taylor, 2018, Health services research.

S. Alam, S. Griffith, I. Katzan, 2017, Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

Saul Shiffman, S. Shiffman, D. Heitjan, 2009, Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

M. Modic, S. Griffith, I. Katzan, 2015, Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes.

S. Griffith, I. Katzan, K. Uchino, 2016, Neurology.

Daniel F Heitjan, Saul Shiffman, Chelsea McCarty Allen, 2017, Statistics in medicine.

M. Modic, S. Griffith, I. Katzan, 2015 .

John Urchek, Cheryl Dunphy, Alandra Parchman, 2015, EGEMS.