C. Agus


C. Agus, Z. R. Ilfana, F. F. Azmi, 2019, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

C. Agus, E. Primananda, D. Wulandari, 2018, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

C. Agus, D. Wulandari, T. Lestari, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Pita Asih Bekti Cahyanti, C. Agus, N. Hasanah, 2020, Handbook of Climate Change Management.

C. Agus, A. Pertiwiningrum, D. Wulandari, 2019, International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy.

Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, Pita Asih Bekti Cahyanti, Kurnia Widiastuti, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Agus, P. B. Putra, B. A. Marpaung, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Agus, A. Pertiwiningrum, S. Supriadi, 2018, Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan.

C. Agus, S. Hardiwinoto, S. R. Prastyaningsih, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Agus, A. Pertiwiningrum, E. Primananda, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Agus, E. Primananda, M. Nufus, 2019, World Sustainability Series.