L. Trisnantoro


Yulia Blomstedt, J. Kinsman, L. Trisnantoro, 2014, BMC Public Health.

Mawaddah Ar Rochmah, L. Trisnantoro, I. Setyopranoto, 2022, Journal of neurosciences in rural practice.

L. Trisnantoro, R. Padmawati, Titiporn Tuangratananon, 2018, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

L. Trisnantoro, A. Vidyanti, I. Setyopranoto, 2021, F1000Research.

L. Trisnantoro, A. Vidyanti, I. Setyopranoto, 2022, F1000Research.

L. Trisnantoro, Y. Mahendradhata, Ahmad Muhammad Kasim, 2021, Bali Medical Journal.

L. Trisnantoro, A. Meliala, M. Helmi, 2021, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

L. Trisnantoro, B. Varghese, A. Morgan, 2020 .

L. Trisnantoro, C. Effendy, Jodi Visnu, 2022, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

N. Yoshiike, L. Trisnantoro, K. Mizumoto, 2015, Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology.

L. Trisnantoro, Martin W. Weber, S. Soemantri, 2010, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

L. Trisnantoro, R. Nindrea, S. Alim, 2019, Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences.

Karen H. Smith, Samuel M. Ostroff, Christopher J. L. Murray, 2022, The Lancet. Global health.

L. Trisnantoro, N. Widyaningrum, 2022, PCD Journal.

K. Tin, E. van Doorslaer, G. Leung, 2007, Health economics.

A. Utarini, L. Trisnantoro, A. Probandari, 2010, Health policy and planning.

M. Boelaert, P. van der Stuyft, A. Utarini, 2010, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

K. Tin, E. van Doorslaer, G. Leung, 2008, Journal of health economics.

L. Trisnantoro, Y. Mahendradhata, Regina Satya Wiraharja, 2019, Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat.

G. Leung, K. Tin, E. Doorslaer, 2010 .

L. Trisnantoro, 2018, Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asia and ASEAN.

E. Doorslaer, G. Leung, O. O’Donnell, 2003 .

L. Trisnantoro, Budi Aji, Julita Hendrartini, 2019, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.

L. Trisnantoro, A. Meliala, M. Helmi, 2021, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

L. Trisnantoro, J. Kurniawaty, A. Meliala, 2022, Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Bambang Udji Djoko Rianto, L. Trisnantoro, B. Santoso, 2018, Public Health of Indonesia.

L. Trisnantoro, S. Sebayang, D. Widiatmoko, 2012, Tobacco Control.

L. Trisnantoro, J. Atthobari, F. Sitorus, 2011, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

S. Kosen, L. Trisnantoro, B. Varghese, 2013, BMC Public Health.

L. Trisnantoro, Toto Sudargo, D. Dipo, 2021, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

L. Trisnantoro, Y. Yuniar, H. Hendarwan, 2024, The Lancet regional health. Southeast Asia.