H. Kruize


H. Boshuizen, E. van Kempen, A. D. de Hollander, 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

I. Kamp, P. Lercher, A. L. Brown, 2016 .

Milan Ščasný, K. Anthun, C. Costongs, 2020, International journal of environmental research and public health.

J. Westerink, Milan Ščasný, K. Anthun, 2019, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Milan Ščasný, C. Costongs, T. Taylor, 2018, International journal of environmental research and public health.

R. Beelen, G. Hoek, P. Fischer, 2015, Environmental health perspectives.

P. Glasbergen, P. Driessen, K. Egmond, 2007, Environmental management.

S. Andrušaitytė, R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2019, BMJ Open.

T. Taylor, A. Chiabai, H. Kruize, 2020, International journal of environmental research and public health.

H Kruize, P Hofschreuder, B. Brunekreef, 1995, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

R. Gražulevičienė, M. Cirach, W. Zijlema, 2022, International journal of environmental research and public health.

L. Oglesby, N. Künzli, P. Krütli, 2000, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

Magdalena van den Berg, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, I. Kamp, 2020 .

R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Cirach, 2017, International Journal of Health Geographics.

Magdalena van den Berg, R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2017 .

M. Lima, A. Chiabai, G. Morris, 2019, International journal of environmental research and public health.

I. Zurlytė, W. Swart, H. Kruize, 2016, Scandinavian journal of public health.

H Kruize, W Post, D. Heederik, 1997, Occupational and environmental medicine.

M. Droomers, I. van Kamp, H. Kruize, 2014, International journal of environmental research and public health.

S. Andrušaitytė, R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2016, Health & place.

R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Cirach, 2019, International journal of environmental research and public health.

K. Stronks, S. Andrušaitytė, R. Gražulevičienė, 2017, International Journal of Public Health.

M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Cirach, W. Zijlema, 2017, Environmental research.

Edmund Seto, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Jolanda Maas, 2017, Environmental research.

R Klaeboe, Peter Lercher, I. van Kamp, 2016 .

R. Gražulevičienė, D. Donaire-Gonzalez, E. Seto, 2017, International journal of environmental research and public health.

S. Andrušaitytė, R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2018, Environment international.

Wim Hardyns, Peter P. Groenewegen, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2017, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Erik Lebret, Matti Jantunen, Otto Hänninen, 2003, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

Erik Lebret, Matti Jantunen, Otto Hänninen, 2003, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

M B Schenker, H Kruize, M J Nieuwenhuijsen, 1998, American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.

R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Jerrett, 2015 .

S. Andrušaitytė, R. Gražulevičienė, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, 2020, Health & place.