W. Howad


Pere Arús, P. Arús, E. Dirlewanger, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

P. Arús, W. Howad, I. Eduardo, 2014, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

P. Arús, B. Sosinski, T. Zhebentyayeva, 2008, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

P. Arús, M. Lahaye, E. Dirlewanger, 2012, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

P. Arús, A. Vecchietti, A. Moing, 2011, Molecular Breeding.

Esther van der Knaap, A. Iezzoni, P. Arús, 2009, BMC Genomics.

F. Kempken, W. Howad, 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

P. Arús, M. Aranzana, W. Howad, 2012, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

A. Monfort, W. Howad, J. Casals, 2023, Frontiers in Plant Science.

P. Arús, J. Garcia-Mas, P. Martínez-Gómez, 2010, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

R. Wing, Yeisoo Yu, J. Tomkins, 2005, Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

P. Arús, M. Aranzana, W. Howad, 2014, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

P. Arús, M. Aranzana, W. Howad, 2012, Tree Genetics & Genomes.

P. Arús, W. Howad, M. Aranzana, 2022, Acta Horticulturae.