Russell Brewer


Russell Brewer, Andrew Goldsmith, A. Goldsmith, 2015 .

Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, A. Goldsmith, T. Holt, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, A. Goldsmith, T. Holt, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, A. Goldsmith, T. Holt, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

A. Goldsmith, Alice Hutchings, David Maimon, 1997, Pediatric Research.

A. Goldsmith, Alice Hutchings, David Maimon, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

A. Goldsmith, Russell Brewer, Jesse Cale, 2022, Journal of School Violence.

P. Grabosky, Russell Brewer, 2013, American Journal of Criminal Justice.

S. Anleu, Russell Brewer, K. Mack, 2017 .

Carlo Morselli, Russell Brewer, David A. Bright, 2021, Soc. Networks.

Russell Brewer, S. Fox, C. Miller, 2019, The Palgrave Handbook of International Cybercrime and Cyberdeviance.

A. Goldsmith, Alice Hutchings, David Maimon, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

Noah D. Turner, A. Goldsmith, Russell Brewer, 2022, Terrorism and Political Violence.

A. Goldsmith, T. Holt, Alice Hutchings, 2019 .

Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, David Maimon, Alice Hutchings, 2019, Cybercrime Prevention.

Thomas J. Holt, Russell Brewer, Andrew Goldsmith, 2021, Comput. Hum. Behav..