M. Kale


David F Yankelevitz, Claudia I Henschke, Juan Wisnivesky, 2013, Radiology.

K. Sigel, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2022, Clinical lung cancer.

E. Taioli, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2019, Chest.

K. Sigel, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2017, American journal of clinical oncology.

M. Kale, S. Keyhani, A. Federman, 2013, JAMA internal medicine.

M. Kale, S. Keyhani, T. Bishop, 2011, Archives of internal medicine.

Usha Govindarajulu, J. Aberg, E. Bagiella, 2022, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

W. Levinson, M. Kale, D. Korenstein, 2013, JAMA.

E. Bagiella, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2021, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

J. Ross, M. Kale, A. Federman, 2012, Archives of internal medicine.

A. Neugut, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2014, Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

K. Sigel, J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, 2023, Journal of medical screening.

K. Rosenzweig, K. Sigel, J. Wisnivesky, 2016, Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

M. Kale, D. Korenstein, 2018, British Medical Journal.

M. Kale, K. Ornstein, A. Kelley, 2016, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

C. Kong, J. de-Torres, K. Sigel, 2019, Thorax.

M. Kale, S. Keyhani, T. Bishop, 2013, JAMA internal medicine.

Antonio P. DeRosa, S. Baxi, M. Kale, 2017, Medical care.

Sadiq S. Rehmani, K. Sigel, J. Wisnivesky, 2020, Chest.

J. Wisnivesky, M. Kale, Dustin Kee, 2020, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Z. Berger, M. Kale, M. Decamp, 2018, Southern medical journal.