S. V. van Wieren


H. J. de Knegt, E. Kohi, A. Skidmore, 2011, The Journal of animal ecology.

W. Takken, H. Sprong, S. V. van Wieren, 2014, Ticks and tick-borne diseases.

M. Groenen, R. Crooijmans, H. Prins, 2017, BMC Evolutionary Biology.

E. Kohi, W. F. Boer, F. Langevelde, 2011, Zeitschrift f\ ur Jagdwissenschaft.

M. Diuk-Wasser, H. Sprong, S. V. van Wieren, 2017, Parasites & Vectors.

H. Sprong, T. Hofmeester, S. V. van Wieren, 2019, Ticks and tick-borne diseases.

H. Prins, P. Jansen, H. Sprong, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

H. Sprong, T. Hofmeester, S. V. van Wieren, 2016, Ticks and tick-borne diseases.

E. Scholte, W. Takken, Y. V. van Duynhoven, 2012, Zoonoses and public health.

Herbert H. T. Prins, H. Prins, S. V. van Wieren, 2003 .

H. Prins, G. Rawat, S. V. van Wieren, 2011, Journal of Plant Research.

M. Diuk-Wasser, H. Sprong, S. V. van Wieren, 2017, Parasites & Vectors.

W. Takken, R. Smallegange, S. V. van Wieren, 2008, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

W. Takken, K. Takumi, H. Sprong, 2014, Parasites & Vectors.

A. Swart, K. Takumi, H. Sprong, 2014, Front. Public Health.

I. Janse, S. V. van Wieren, F. Reubsaet, 2017, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

H. Prins, R. Ydenberg, S. V. van Wieren, 2016, Frontiers in Zoology.

M. Groenen, R. Crooijmans, H. Prins, 2017, BMC Evolutionary Biology.

H. Prins, R. Ydenberg, S. V. van Wieren, 2016, The Auk.

M. Groenen, R. Crooijmans, H. Prins, 2016, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.

F. van Langevelde, H. Prins, S. V. van Wieren, 2022, Ecology and evolution.

S. V. van Wieren, Stefan J. Vreugdenhil, Leo van Breukelen, 2007, Integrative zoology.

Kees van Oers, Bart A Nolet, K. van Oers, 2010, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

K. van Oers, B. Nolet, H. Prins, 2010, Ecology letters.

H. Prins, R. Kurvers, S. V. van Wieren, 2010, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

F. van Langevelde, H. Prins, P. Jansen, 2019, Ecology and evolution.

Joost F. de Jong, R. Crooijmans, H. Prins, 2020, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

E. Kohi, A. Skidmore, H. Prins, 2011, The Journal of animal ecology.

H. Prins, G. Rawat, S. V. van Wieren, 2005, IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition.