S. Junglen


Christophe Boesch, Linda Vigilant, Regine Hakenbeck, 2004, Nature.

C. Boesch, P. Formenty, H. Ellerbrok, 2022 .

C. Drosten, S. Junglen, 2013, Current Opinion in Microbiology.

C. Boesch, H. Ellerbrok, G. Pauli, 2009, The Journal of general virology.

R. V. van Rij, R. Halbach, S. Junglen, 2017, Current opinion in insect science.

R. Sang, A. Bastos, S. Junglen, 2022, Viruses.

X. de Lamballerie, R. Charrel, J. Gonzalez, 2019, Archives of Virology.

C. Drosten, S. Junglen, M. Marklewitz, 2019, Ticks and tick-borne diseases.

R. L. Harrison, A. Mushegian, P. Simmonds, 2019, Archives of Virology.

E. Koonin, Y. Wolf, J. Derisi, 2018, Archives of Virology.

R. L. Harrison, Evelien M. Adriaenssens, A. Mushegian, 2020, Archives of Virology.

C. Drosten, R. V. van Rij, S. Junglen, 2019, The Journal of general virology.

M. Middendorf, B. Misof, C. Drosten, 2019, PLoS pathogens.

J. Drexler, S. Junglen, C. Franke, 2020, Transboundary and emerging diseases.

J. Derisi, X. de Lamballerie, R. Charrel, 2019, Archives of Virology.

R. Sang, A. Bastos, S. Junglen, 2022, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases.

A. Mushegian, J. Kuhn, Jiro Wada, 2022, The Journal of general virology.

Evelien M. Adriaenssens, A. Mushegian, A. Lambert, 2022, Archives of Virology.

G. Pijlman, P. Miesen, R. V. van Rij, 2014, Nucleic acids research.

Evelien M. Adriaenssens, A. Mushegian, A. Lambert, 2022, Archives of Virology.

S. Becker, S. Junglen, Kwang-Zin Lee, 2023, Viruses.

V. Sreenu, M. Leggewie, E. Schnettler, 2021, bioRxiv.

B. Misof, C. Drosten, Malte Petersen, 2021, Virus evolution.

H. Ellerbrok, G. Pauli, J. Ziebuhr, 2011, mBio.

C. Drosten, T. Briese, W. Lipkin, 2013, Journal of Virology.

C. Boesch, P. Formenty, H. Ellerbrok, 2008, Journal of Virology.

S. Junglen, R. Page, J. Loaiza, 2019, The Journal of general virology.

C. Drosten, S. Junglen, Florian Gloza-Rausch, 2012, The Journal of general virology.

C. Borgemeister, S. Junglen, J. Mfune, 2021, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

C. Drosten, S. Junglen, A. Kurth, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Andreas Nitsche, Christophe Boesch, W. Ian Lipkin, 2008, Current Biology.

R. Charrel, J. Gonzalez, A. Lambert, 2019, Archives of Virology.

R. Sang, S. Junglen, B. Torto, 2022, mSphere.

Jan P. Meier-Kolthoff, E. Koonin, S. Elena, 2023, PLoS biology.

Victor M Corman, Christian Drosten, Stefan Sack, 2013, The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

E. Koonin, Y. Wolf, J. Derisi, 2018, Archives of Virology.

R. Sang, C. Borgemeister, C. Drosten, 2019, Emerging infectious diseases.

M. Müller, C. Drosten, I. Eckerle, 2013, mBio.

R. L. Harrison, A. Mushegian, P. Simmonds, 2020, Nature Microbiology.

C. Drosten, A. Estrada, S. Junglen, 2017, The Journal of general virology.

R. L. Harrison, A. Mushegian, P. Simmonds, 2020, Archives of Virology.

R. L. Harrison, A. Mushegian, P. Simmonds, 2019, Archives of Virology.

C. Drosten, S. Junglen, A. Kurth, 2014, The Journal of general virology.

Detlef Müller-Mahn, M. Bollig, C. Borgemeister, 2023, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

A. Mushegian, A. Lambert, J. Kuhn, 2023, The Journal of general virology.

B. Meyer, C. Drosten, F. Leendertz, 2015, Emerging infectious diseases.

J. Kuhn, A. Firth, R. Dietzgen, 2021, The Journal of general virology.