R. Mandry


M. Latrach, J. Zbitou, A. Errkik, 2019, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE).

M. Latrach, A. Errkik, M. Ribate, 2019, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing and Wireless Communication Systems, ICCWCS 2019, April 24-25, 2019, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofaïl University -Kénitra- Morocco.

M. Latrach, L. Abdellaoui, A. Tajmouati, 2017, ICCWCS'17.

M. Latrach, L. Abdellaoui, A. Errkik, 2017, ICCWCS'17.

M. Latrach, L. Abdellaoui, A. Lakhssassi, 2020, TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control).

Mohamed Latrach, Ahmed Lakhssassi, Mohamed Ribate, 2020 .