B. Coetzee


S. Chown, B. Coetzee, 2016, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

L. Santini, B. Coetzee, F. Buschke, 2021, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

K. Gaston, P. Convey, S. Butchart, 2017, PLoS biology.

K. Gaston, B. Coetzee, 2021, Conservation Science and Practice.

B. Coetzee, 2016, Biodiversity and Conservation.

S. Chown, C. Janion‐Scheepers, G. Duffy, 2015, Current opinion in insect science.

Steven L. Chown, Melodie A. McGeoch, S. Chown, 2017 .

G. Joseph, M. Ndlovu, B. Coetzee, 2018, Landscape Ecology.

I. Smit, B. Coetzee, Sam M. Ferriera, 2022, Biodiversity and Conservation.

B. Coetzee, Bernard W T Coetzee, 2008, Science.

K. Gaston, I. Smit, L. Koekemoer, 2022, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

K. Gaston, I. Smit, B. Coetzee, 2023, South African Journal of Science.

S. Chown, B. Coetzee, 2016, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

L. Koekemoer, B. Coetzee, Izak P. J. Smit, 2023, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.