Stefan Dongus


Marloes Eeftens, Stefan Dongus, Martin Röösli, 2018, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Sarah J E Barry, B. Bonfoh, E. N'Goran, 2014, Parasites & Vectors.

G. Devine, S. Majambere, Stefan Dongus, 2011, Parasites & Vectors.

G. Killeen, D. Mtasiwa, M. Tanner, 2009, Geospatial health.

M. Röösli, H. Jalilian, Stefan Dongus, 2021, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.

G. Killeen, S. Kiware, G. Devine, 2014, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

Marloes Eeftens, Stefan Dongus, Alexandra Bürgler, 2019, Environmental research.