E. Cebrian


S. Hendricks, R. Wood, P. Lehodey, 2019, Journal of Operational Oceanography.

E. Sala, N. Teixidó, E. Cebrian, 2017, Scientific Reports.

Á. Borja, F. Micheli, E. Sala, 2021, Journal of environmental management.

Christopher J. Smith, C. McOwen, T. Bekkby, 2019, Marine Policy.

F. Tomas, E. Ballesteros, E. Cebrian, 2011, Biological Invasions.

M. Úriz, E. Cebrian, R. Martí, 2001, Environmental toxicology and chemistry.

Torcuato Pulido Mantas, S. Comeau, J. Gattuso, 2022, Global change biology.

M. Vilà, F. Tomas, E. Ballesteros, 2018, Biological Invasions.

E. Sala, D. Fujita, A. Pérez‐Matus, 2015, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

M. Úriz, E. Cebrian, 2007, Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology.

M. Vilà, F. Tomas, E. Ballesteros, 2018, Biological Invasions.

F. Tomas, E. Ballesteros, E. Cebrian, 2021, Frontiers in Marine Science.

E. Cebrian, J. Garrabou, C. Linares, 2021, Marine pollution bulletin.

B. Halpern, F. Micheli, M. Renzi, 2021, Advances in marine biology.

S. Fraschetti, E. Cebrian, C. Linares, 2021, Frontiers in Marine Science.

M. Úriz, E. Cebrian, R. Martí, 2006, Environmental pollution.

J. Gattuso, N. Marbà, C. Duarte, 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

Maria Elena Cefalì, E. Ballesteros, E. Cebrian, 2020, Journal of Ecology.

E. Cebrian, C. Linares, J. Garrabou, 2013, Marine environmental research.

Christopher J. Smith, C. McOwen, T. Bekkby, 2020, Frontiers in Marine Science.

E. Cebrian, C. Linares, J. Garrabou, 2012, Biological Invasions.

N. Teixidó, E. Cebrian, C. Linares, 2013, PloS one.

E. Cebrian, C. Linares, J. Garrabou, 2012, Biological Invasions.

H. Seebens, B. Leung, D. Moser, 2021, bioRxiv.

N. Teixidó, M. Canals, E. Ballesteros, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

M. Harmelin-Vivien, A. Cheminée, P. Guidetti, 2017, Marine pollution bulletin.

A. Deidun, S. Giakoumi, S. Katsanevakis, 2019, The Science of the total environment.

Christopher J. Smith, M. Coll, C. McOwen, 2021, Frontiers in Marine Science.

María B. García, E. Cebrian, J. Santamaría, 2021, Frontiers in Marine Science.

S. Giakoumi, R. Danovaro, S. Fraschetti, 2022, Journal of environmental management.

E. Ballesteros, E. Cebrian, D. Kersting, 2017, Coral Reefs.

E. Ballesteros, E. Cebrian, D. Kersting, 2017 .

Christopher J. Smith, R. Danovaro, S. Fraschetti, 2023, Frontiers in Marine Science.

A. Deidun, S. Giakoumi, S. Katsanevakis, 2019, The Science of the total environment.