M. Straetemans


T. Eckmanns, G. Krause, D. Altmann, 2008, Emerging infectious diseases.

A. Schilder, R. Veenhoven, E. Sanders, 2004, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

A. Schilder, R. Veenhoven, E. Sanders, 2004 .

A. Schilder, R. Veenhoven, E. Sanders, 2003, The Pediatric infectious disease journal.

D. Manissero, M. Straetemans, G. de Vries, 2012, European Respiratory Journal.

J. Takkinen, W. van Pelt, J. Threlfall, 2007, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

A. Schilder, E. Sanders, G. Zielhuis, 2005, Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery.

C. Monteilh, L. Paulozzi, M. Straetemans, 2013, Journal of Medical Toxicology.

G. Zielhuis, M. Straetemans, K. Ingels, 2001, Medical hypotheses.

L. Wong, E. Azziz-Baumgartner, M. Straetemans, 2008, Environmental research.

N. Nagelkerke, P. Glaziou, M. Straetemans, 2010, PloS one.

P. Glaziou, C. Sismanidis, M. Straetemans, 2011, PloS one.

G. Zielhuis, M. Straetemans, J. Engel, 2005, International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

Ross J. Harris, E. Rood, M. Straetemans, 2020, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

A. Schilder, G. Zielhuis, T. Feuth, 2005, Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery.

M. Mcgeehin, R. Breiman, W. Flanders, 2011, Environmental health perspectives.

M. Straetemans, 2008, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

M. Straetemans, M. Belson, L. Katz, 2007, The New England journal of medicine.

A. Schilder, R. Veenhoven, E. Sanders, 2004, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

M. Straetemans, S. Alba, 2021, Emerging Themes in Epidemiology.

K. Auranen, G. Zielhuis, M. Straetemans, 2003, International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

M. Straetemans, A. D. den Hertog, R. Anthony, 2013, The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

C. Monteilh, L. Paulozzi, M. Straetemans, 2013, Journal of Medical Toxicology.

P. Glaziou, E. Rood, M. Straetemans, 2018, International journal of epidemiology.