R. Burns


R. Dick, R. Burns, 2002 .

A. Bull, R. Burns, G. Lethbridge, 1978 .

R. Freedman, R. Burns, N. Pettit, 1977, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

F. Govantes, E. Santero, L. Shaw, 2003, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

R. Burns, C. F. A. Hope, 1987, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

D. Rao, R. Burns, Richard G. Burns, 1990, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

R. Burns, A. M. Dartnall, 1987, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

R. Burns, S. Alström, 1989, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

R. Burns, S. Davis, 1992, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.

P. Marschner, R. Burns, Nasrin Chowdhury, 2011, Plant and Soil.

R. Burns, J. Edwards, 1980 .

R. Dick, R. Burns, 2002 .

R. Burns, 1977, Science progress.

R. Sinsabaugh, M. Carreiro, R. Dick, 2002 .

R. Burns, J. Davies, 1986 .

I. Thompson, R. Burns, S. Owen, 2000, FEMS microbiology letters.

R. Freedman, R. Burns, N. Pettit, 1976 .

R. Burns, G. Lethbridge, M. Smith, 1997, FEMS microbiology letters.

R. Burns, S. Davis, 1990, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.

A. Mclaren, R. Burns, A. Pukite, 1972 .

F. Sannino, L. Gianfreda, R. Burns, 1999, Chemosphere.

R. Burns, W. Gibson, 1977, Microbial Ecology.

L. Shaw, R. Burns, 2003, Advances in applied microbiology.

D. Rao, R. Burns, 1991, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

A. Fialho, L. Shaw, I. Sá-Correia, 2004, Environmental science & technology.

A. Mclaren, R. Burns, M. El-sayed, 1972 .

R. Burns, J. H. Slater, 1982 .

Zhi Song, Suzanne R. Edwards, R. Burns, 2003, Analytical Chemistry.

A. Benedetti, P. Nannipieri, D. Hopkins, 2006 .

R. Burns, 2018, Soil Biology and Biochemistry.