M. Lalle


Simone Brogi, Giulia Chemi, Giuseppe Campiani, 2017, European journal of medicinal chemistry.

C. Klotz, L. Robertson, S. Carbona, 2020, Trends in Food Science & Technology.

M. Lalle, E. Pozio, S. Sotiraki, 2012, Veterinary parasitology.

A. Bocedi, S. Camerini, V. Morea, 2017, International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance.

L. Robertson, M. Lalle, P. Paulsen, 2020, Experimental parasitology.

M. Lalle, K. Hanevik, 2018, Infection and drug resistance.

E. Ierardi, M. Lalle, E. Pozio, 2009, Foodborne pathogens and disease.

R. Velasco, M. Marra, L. Camoni, 2005, Plant Molecular Biology.

A. Rodríguez-Morales, E. Castro-Sánchez, A. Escobedo, 2016, Acta tropica.

J. Dujardin, G. Lomonossoff, K. Osterrieder, 2020, Virology Journal.

M. Lalle, E. Pozio, S. Cacciò, 2008, International journal for parasitology.

S. Svärd, M. Lalle, S. Cacciò, 2017, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

M. Lalle, E. Pozio, M. Campa, 2009, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

M. Lalle, E. Pozio, S. Cacciò, 2007, The Journal of parasitology.

Marco Lalle, A. Escobedo, M. Lalle, 2015, Recent patents on anti-infective drug discovery.

M. Crescenzi, P. Boisguérin, M. Lalle, 2010, International journal for parasitology.

A. Fiorillo, M. Lalle, 2019, Advances in parasitology.

M. Amati, P. Pezzotti, M. Lalle, 2009, Veterinary parasitology.

M. Lalle, A. Possenti, E. Pozio, 2015, Accreditation and Quality Assurance.

M. Crescenzi, S. Camerini, M. Lalle, 2012, Journal of proteome research.

M. Lalle, F. d'angelo, G. Ramacciato, 1997, European Journal of Surgical Oncology.

M. Marra, L. Camoni, M. Lalle, 2003, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Dujardin, G. Lomonossoff, K. Osterrieder, 2020, Virology journal.

E. Ierardi, M. Lalle, E. Pozio, 2009, Foodborne pathogens and disease.