I. Odesola


I. Odesola, P. Okoye, Obinna George Ogbuagu, 2021, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research.

I. Odesola, P. Okoye, 2020, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy.

A. Opoku, I. Odesola, S. Ekung, 2021, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology.

Isaac Abiodun Odesola, I. Odesola, Akaninyene A. Umoh, 2015 .

Samuel Ekung, Isaac Odesola, I. Odesola, 2018, Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment.

I. Odesola, S. Ekung, T. Adewuyi, 2021, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.

T. O. Adewuyi, I. A. Odesola, I. Odesola, 2015 .