A. Matthews


I. Renfrew, A. Matthews, A. Poulidis, 2014 .

M. Lengaigne, M. Widlansky, B. Lintner, 2020, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

S. Carn, G. Thompson, J. Barclay, 2002 .

P. Vinayachandran, A. Matthews, P. Amol, 2019, Journal of Physical Oceanography.

T. Lenton, A. Watson, K. Zahnle, 2009 .

T. Stein, A. Matthews, C. Holloway, 2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

P. Vinayachandran, B. King, A. Matthews, 2019, Geophysical Research Letters.

Donaldi S Permana, P. Flatau, Zhe Feng, 2021, Monthly Weather Review.

T. Stein, A. Matthews, C. Holloway, 2021, Earth and Space Science.

David P. Stevens, Karen J. Heywood, D. Stevens, 2012 .

P. Vinayachandran, A. Matthews, P. Amol, 2018, Journal of Physical Oceanography.

Elizabeth C. Kent, P. Vinayachandran, R. Roy, 2018, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Elizabeth C. Kent, P. Vinayachandran, A. Matthews, 2018, Journal of Climate.

A. Matthews, S. Lavender, Sally L. Lavender, 2009 .

A. Matthews, Nicolas A. Da Silva, 2021, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

I. Renfrew, A. Matthews, Alexandros-Panagioti Poulidis, 2016 .

T. Osborn, M. Joshi, A. Matthews, 2016, Climate Dynamics.

T. Osborn, A. Matthews, Guangzhi Xu, 2017, Climate Dynamics.

P. Vinayachandran, A. Matthews, P. Sheehan, 2020, Geophysical Research Letters.

D. Stevens, M. Joshi, A. Matthews, 2016, Climate Dynamics.

A. Matthews, K. Heywood, P. Singhruck, 2007, Science.

A. Matthews, Carsten Abraham, Colin Goldblatt, 2023, Geophysical Research Letters.

D. Stevens, A. Matthews, Daniel T. Skinner, 2023, Geophysical Research Letters.

Donaldi S Permana, S. Webster, A. Matthews, 2023, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

Donaldi S Permana, P. Flatau, A. Matthews, 2023, Nature Communications.