L. Hultén


T. Jahnberg, J. Martinson, L. Hultén, 1975, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

H. Kauczor, S. Sauerland, E. Neugebauer, 1999, Surgical Endoscopy.

L. Hultén, H. Andersson, S. Filipsson, 1978, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, G. Lindstedt, S. Filipsson, 1978, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, P. Lindgren, 2001, Colorectal Disease.

F. Sundler, R. Ekman, L. Hultén, 1997, Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society.

A. Sandberg, L. Hultén, H. Andersson, 1983, Human nutrition. Clinical nutrition.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, D. Delbro, 1990, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, I. Hessov, 1983, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, G. Colucci, 2005 .

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, G. Colucci, 2005 .

U. Haglund, L. Hultén, R. Hellberg, 1979, Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae.

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, M. Scaglia, 2009, Autonomic Neuroscience.

T. Jahnberg, J. Martinson, L. Hultén, 1975, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

A. Sandberg, L. Hultén, C. Hasselblad, 1982, British Journal of Nutrition.

L. Hultén, H. Brevinge, T. Öresland, 2006, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1989, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, G. Svaninger, 1987, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, E. Lindholm, T. Öresland, 2004, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, T. Öresland, L. Börjesson, 2004, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, T. Öresland, I. Berndtsson, 2004, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

N. Crona, L. Hultén, T. Öresland, 1994, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, I. Jansson, M. Asztély, 1990, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1994, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1981, The British journal of surgery.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1993, The British journal of surgery.

L. Hultén, H. Ahlman, J. Kewenter, 1978, Annals of surgery.

G. Lappas, A. Hellström, L. Hultén, 2005, Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society.

L. Mosekilde, F. Melsen, L. Hultén, 1984, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

Å. Cederblad, L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1990, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, M. Asztély, Suzanne Palmblad, 1991, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, M. Scaglia, V. Canino, 1993, Minerva chirurgica.

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, M. Scaglia, 1992, Chirurgia italiana.

R. Willén, L. Hultén, N. Haboubi, 2004, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

U. Haglund, L. Hultén, O. Lundgren, 1975, Gut.

L. Hultén, H. Andersson, T. Oresland, 1994, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1989, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1980, The Journal of physiology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1980, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

R. Willén, S. O'dwyer, L. Hultén, 2002, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

I. Bosaeus, B. Isaksson, L. Hultén, 1980, JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.

L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, C. Åhrén, 1972, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

G. Lappas, A. Hellström, L. Hultén, 2005, Journal of advanced nursing.

L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, C. Åhrén, 1979, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1988, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, L. Bartholdson, 1975, Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1984, World journal of surgery.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, T. Øresland, 1993, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, 1994, American journal of surgery.

T. Seeman, L. Hultén, L. Wahlqvist, 1973, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1978, The Journal of physiology.

M. Andersson, L. Hultén, B. Andersch, 1998, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1992, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, 2001, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, T. Öresland, R. Annibali, 1994, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

Z. Cohen, N. Williams, J. Utsunomiya, 1986, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

G. Karlsson, L. Hultén, S. Nilsson, 2014, International journal of oncology.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, T. Öresland, 1997, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1978, Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, O. Lundgren, 1977, Gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, B. Andersch, T. Oresland, 1997, Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae.

L. Hultén, M. Rosencrantz, L. Wahlqvist, 1966, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, M. Scaglia, I. Destefano, 2015 .

L. Hultén, G. Colucci, M. Scaglia, 2005, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, S. Buntzen, 2004, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, S. Buntzen, 1995, Journal of the autonomic nervous system.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1991, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, The British journal of surgery.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1989, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1988, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1988, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1977, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, O. Lundgren, M. Jodal, 1976, Gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, A. Hultborn, B. Roos, 1977, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, T. Oresland, 1995, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1994, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1987, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, N. Kock, L. Leandoer, 1968, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, G. Colucci, 2005, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, H. Myrvold, N. Kock, 1989, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, C. Åhrén, R. Hellberg, 1980, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

K. Forde, L. Hultén, 1996, Surgical Endoscopy.

I. Bosaeus, L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1987, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1989, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, H. Myrvold, 2018, The Kock Pouch.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1985, Lakartidningen.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1994, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, G. Svaninger, 1982, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, G. Lindstedt, S. Filipsson, 1978, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, R. Olsson, Rolf Olsson, 1975, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

R. Willén, J. Bengtsson, L. Hultén, 2007, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

L. Hultén, O. Bartley, P. Ekdahl, 1966, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, S. Buntzen, 1994, Journal of the autonomic nervous system.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1975 .

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, H. Hedlund, 1984, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, N. Kock, 1976, Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1987, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

H. Sato, L. Hultén, H. Katsuno, 2004, Techniques in Coloproctology.

L. Hultén, 1962, Nordisk medicin.

L. Hultén, T. Oresland, G. Nylund, 1997, The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica.

J. Bengtsson, L. Hultén, H. Myrvold, 2011, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

L. Hultén, 2004, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, T. Oresland, 1983, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, B. Ojerskog, 1977, Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, I. Palselius, 1980, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, 1990, Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, S. Buntzen, 1996, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Olaison, S. Iwarson, L. Hultén, 1981, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.

U. Knutsson, L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, 1971, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1988, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, T. Öresland, 1985, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, The British journal of surgery.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1988, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

I. Bosaeus, R. Brummer, L. Hultén, 1986, Digestive diseases.

L. Hultén, M. Rosencrantz, C. Åhrén, 1977, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

L. Hultén, C. Åhrén, A. Hultborn, 1977, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

L. Hultén, M. Rosencrantz, B. Rosengren, 1970, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1971, Acta physiologica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, M. Aurell, 1984, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

G. Nordström, L. Hultén, 1983, Journal of enterostomal therapy.

L. Hultén, O. Lundgren, J. Lindhagen, 1977, Gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, M. Rosencrantz, B. Rosengren, 1971, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

L. Hultén, G. Delaini, M. Scaglia, 2001, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

L. Hultén, G. Svaninger, 1984, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

E. Fosse, P. Halvorsen, B. Edwin, 2011, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, T. Öresland, 1992, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1986, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

L. Hultén, S. Nordgren, S. Buntzen, 1996, Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

U. Haglund, L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1981, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1978, Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, 1973, Acta chirurgica Scandinavica.

L. Hultén, M. Rosencrantz, C. Åhrén, 1977, Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology.

B. Edwin, P. Thomsen, L. Hultén, 2022, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine.

R. Willén, L. Hultén, Margrét Agnarsdóttir, 2007, Upsala journal of medical sciences.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, S. Nordgren, 1990, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, N. Kock, 1971, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

L. Hultén, S. Fasth, I. J. Zeitlin, 1978, Advances in the biosciences.

L. Hultén, J. Kewenter, U. Knutson, 1971, Nordisk medicin.

J. Bengtsson, L. Hultén, H. Myrvold, 2011, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.