R. Ciobanu


R. Ciobanu, A. Spiridonica, I. Stoleriu, 2010, 2010 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

R. Ciobanu, C. Nemeş, C. Scinteie, 2018, 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON).

Gheorghe Grigoras, Romeo-Cristian Ciobanu, Florina Scarlatache, 2017, 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE).

Romeo-Cristian Ciobanu, C. Donciu, C. Temneanu, 2005, IEEE Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, 2005..

C. Donciu, C. Schreiner, C. Temneanu, 2005, CIMSA. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, 2005..

Fl. Scarlatache, Gh. Grigoras, B.C. Neagu, 2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP).

Cristina Schreiner, Florina Scarlatache, Gheorghe Grigoraş, 2017, 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG).

R. Ciobanu, C. Nemeş, C. Rugină, 2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP).

G. Grigoraș, R. Ciobanu, C. Schreiner, 2017, 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG).