X. Checoury


X. Checoury, Z. Han, Laurent-Daniel Haret, 2011, Optics letters.

Grégoire Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, Philippe Boucaud, 2013 .

Isabelle Sagnes, Grégoire Beaudoin, Philippe Boucaud, 2013 .

Isabelle Sagnes, Grégoire Beaudoin, Philippe Boucaud, 2016 .

Frederic Boeuf, Grégoire Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, 2016 .

I. Sagnes, F. Bœuf, S. Sauvage, 2018, Optics express.

B. Damilano, B. Gayral, F. Semond, 2018, ACS Photonics.

O. Kermarrec, Y. Campidelli, D. Bensahel, 2007, 2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics.

J. Bourderionnet, S. Combrie, G. Lehoucq, 2015, 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).

J. Bourderionnet, S. Combrie, A. de Rossi, 2015, Optics express.

S. D. Le, J. Bourderionnet, S. Combrie, 2016, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

S. Sauvage, X. Checoury, Laurent-Daniel Haret, 2014, Optics letters.

O. Kermarrec, Y. Campidelli, D. Bensahel, 2004, First IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2004..

M. De Micheli, B. Gayral, F. Semond, 2016, Optics express.

F. Boeuf, C. Baudot, S. Sauvage, 2018, APL Photonics.

I. Sagnes, O. Kermarrec, D. Bensahel, 2009, 2009 6th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics.

I. Sagnes, F. Boeuf, R. Ossikovski, 2016, 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).

Henri Benisty, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Alexei Chelnokov, 2006, Proceedings of the IEEE.

J. Zyss, S. Bittner, A. Grigis, 2020, 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC).

I. Sagnes, J. Hartmann, D. Grützmacher, 2020, Nature Photonics.

I. Sagnes, J. Hartmann, D. Grützmacher, 2020, Nature Photonics.

I. Sagnes, J. Hartmann, D. Grützmacher, 2020, 2001.04927.

M. De Micheli, B. Gayral, F. Semond, 2016, Scientific Reports.

Philippe Boucaud, Fabrice Semond, Mathieu Leroux, 2016 .

F. Semond, X. Checoury, B. Gayral, 2016, Scientific Reports.

B. Damilano, B. Gayral, F. Semond, 2019, Optics express.

I. Sagnes, F. Boeuf, N. Zerounian, 2014 .

Philippe Boucaud, Xavier Checoury, Laurent-Daniel Haret, 2013, Optics express.

O. Kermarrec, Y. Campidelli, D. Bensahel, 2008, Optics express.

P. Bergonzo, H. Girard, S. Saada, 2016, Optics letters.

Philippe Boucaud, Delphine Néel, Xavier Checoury, 2010 .

I. Sagnes, R. Jakomin, S. David, 2011, 8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics.

I. Sagnes, R. Jakomin, S. David, 2011, Optics express.

Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Xavier Checoury, J. Lourtioz, 2006 .

O. Kermarrec, D. Bensahel, B. Ghyselen, 2008 .

F. Lelarge, F. Poingt, O. Drisse, 2005, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

Frederic Pommereau, Anne Talneau, Francois Lelarge, 2004 .

Grégoire Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, Philippe Boucaud, 2013 .

O. Kermarrec, Y. Campidelli, D. Bensahel, 2005 .

C. López, S. Enoch, X. Checoury, 2007 .

A. de Rossi, X. Checoury, Laurent-Daniel Haret, 2013, Optics express.