M. Field


M. Field, Mark G. Field, 1988, The Milbank quarterly.

M. Field, 1956, The New England journal of medicine.

M. Field, 2004, The New England journal of medicine.

M. Field, 1953, The New England journal of medicine.

Mark G. Field, M. Field, 1953, American Journal of Sociology.

M. Field, J. Twigg, 2000 .

M. Field, 1989 .

M. Field, J. Twigg, E. J. Burger, 1998, American journal of public health.

M. Field, 1977, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

M. Field, J. Aronson, 1964, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

M. Field, N. Kline, J. Aronson, 1961 .

M. Field, Jason Ahonson, 1964, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

M. Field, J. Aronson, 1965, Community Mental Health Journal.

M. Field, D. E. Powell, 1981 .

M. Field, D. E. Powell, 1981, The Hastings Center report.

M. Field, 1966, American journal of public health and the nation's health.

M. Field, 1980, Social science & medicine. Medical psychology & medical sociology.

M. Field, M G Field, 1973, Social science & medicine.

M. Field, V. Shkolnikov, E. Andreev, 2001 .